Tag: Preston Young

CalChamber Advocacy

CalChamber Leads Coalition Support for SB 74, Keep California Working Act

A coalition of more than 40 business organizations led by the California Chamber of Commerce have announced their support for SB 74 (Borgeas; R-Fresno),...

California Department of Public Health Seeks to Accelerate Vaccine Distribution

  The California Department of Public Health (CDPH) has issued recommendations for accelerating the pace at which COVID-19 vaccines are distributed to Californians. Currently, the...

CalChamber Joins California’s Community Vaccine Advisory Committee

The California Chamber of Commerce will be joining a broad coalition of community stakeholders to serve on the state’s Community Vaccine Advisory Committee. The committee...

New Job Killer Bill Increases Taxes on Small Business During Economic Crisis

A bill that will impose a massive retroactive tax increase on California’s small businesses and taxpayers has been added to the California Chamber of...

Bill Imposing Headcount Tax on Large Employers Added to CalChamber Job Killer List

Legislation that will discourage hiring and job growth by imposing an employee “headcount tax” on certain employers was added to the California Chamber of...

Two Job Killers Imposing Targeted Taxes Stalled

Two California Chamber of Commerce job killer carryover bills imposing new taxes have stalled in the Senate, the house in which they were introduced...

CalChamber Adds New Health Care and Taxation Policy Advocate

Preston R. Young joined the California Chamber of Commerce in October 2019 as a policy advocate, specializing in health care policy and taxation issues. Young...