Tag: Housing

Loren Kaye

Still Awaiting Results from Billions in New Taxes for Homelessness, Lawmakers Want Businesses to...

It was only a year ago that Governor Gavin Newsom devoted his entire State-of-the-State address to the dual challenges of housing and homelessness, calling...

Vote No on Prop 15: 30 Newspapers Across California Reject Prop 15

In a show of force, 30 newspapers across California have urged their readers to vote no on Proposition 15, the $12.5 billion-a-year property tax...

The People’s Voice: Coronavirus Edition

California voters are understandably anxious about the health and economic crises facing families and workplaces. The California Chamber of Commerce commissioned a brief survey...

Author Attempts to Revive Failed Job Killer Housing Bill

With only about four weeks left in the legislative session and virtually no opportunity for meaningful stakeholder engagement, a reboot of a job killer...

Job Killer Bill That Hinders Housing Construction to Be Considered in Senate Committee

A job killer bill that will impede housing construction and harm California's economic recovery will be considered by the Senate Environmental Quality Committee on...

California’s Newsom Calls for Ongoing Funds to Ease Homelessnesss

Governor Gavin Newsom largely devoted his State of the State address to the crisis that’s left California with the most homeless people in the...

Can Californians Afford California? -Part 2

The first half of this commentary ran yesterday. To read part one of the commentary, visit https://advocacy.calchamber.com/2020/01/27/can-californians-afford-california/. Housing California’s infamous housing crisis lies at the center...

Can Californians Afford California?

By many important measures, California has never been better off. Our state enjoys unprecedented wealth, employment and health. Our economy created 3.4 million jobs in...

Solving California Challenges Requires Collaboration – Grace Evans Cherashore at Sacramento Host Breakfast

Collaboration is the key to finding solutions to the tough challenges facing the state, California Chamber of Commerce Chair Grace Evans Cherashore told attendees...
Job Creators

Job Creator Housing Bill Narrowly Passes Senate Committee

Legislation identified by the California Chamber of Commerce as a job creator because it will minimize frivolous litigation that blocks infill housing projects won...

CalChamber-Backed Housing Relief Bills Advance

Two California Chamber of Commerce-supported bills aimed at helping ease the state’s housing crisis won approval this week from the Senate Housing Committee. Sent on for...

Budget Plan: Fiscal Stability Now, Future Search for New Funds

In his recently released state budget proposal, Governor Gavin Newsom made two important and supportive statements on California’s business and economic climate. First, he reinforced...

Governor Unveils Carrot-and-Stick Approach to Boost Housing Production

“The number one driver of cost of living is housing – housing is the issue. Unless we get serious about it, the state will...

Governor Signs CalChamber-Supported CEQA, Land Use Bills that Help Relieve Home Building Red Tape

Two California Chamber of Commerce-supported bills that will help expedite home building, one dealing with California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) reform and another with...

Governor Signs CalChamber-Supported CEQA Reform Bill

Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. signed a California Chamber of Commerce-supported bill that improves environmental review under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). CalChamber supported...

Election Year Voter Attitudes – Home Ownership

Adam Rosenblatt, senior strategist, PSB, and Robert Green, principal, PSB, discuss voter attitudes on home ownership at the 2018 CalChamber Capitol Summit on May...

Governor Signs CalChamber-Supported Bills to Ease Housing Crisis

On Friday at a bill signing ceremony in San Francisco, Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. signed three California Chamber of Commerce-supported bills to encourage local...

CalChamber-Backed Bills to Ease Housing Crisis Go to Governor

Several bills supported by the California Chamber of Commerce to encourage local governments to approve new housing projects passed the Legislature on the last...

Housing Crisis at Top of Legislative Agenda

California’s housing crisis is a big focus of attention at the State Capitol as studies highlight two elements of the crisis that are inextricably...

Housing Bills Update

CalChamber Policy Advocate Louinda Lacey presents an overview of housing bills under consideration by legislators at the CalChamber Capitol Summit on May 31, 2017.