Tag: European Union


European Parliament Members Visit CalChamber

Five members of the European Parliament visited the California Chamber of Commerce on March 21, 2024 under the auspices of the German Marshall Fund...
CalChamber international breakfast participants

Strong EU-California Relations Help Strengthen Both Economies

California is the farthest state away from Europe geographically, yet the closest in terms of values, a European Union (EU) representative told a California...
CalChamber Council for International Trade Breakfast

German Consul General Highlights Opportunities for California Businesses

California and Germany have many ongoing cooperative efforts underway already and there are more opportunities to come, German Consul General Oliver Schramm told a...

A New Year, A New Deal: The UK’s Future Relationship with California

Following are observations on future United Kingdom-California relations by Joe White, Tech Envoy to the United States and British Consul General San Francisco; and...

Similar Positions in Tech Revolution Inspire Climate Actions for a Sustainable Future

A View from Germany The following responses to questions posed by the California Chamber of Commerce are from Consul General Stefan Schneider, Consulate General of...
UK Flag

U.S.-United Kingdom Trade Discussions Feature First-Ever Virtual Negotiations

This spring marks 75 years since the end of battles in Europe in World War II. Since 1945, transatlantic cooperation has been all important...

Strong California Economy, Jobs Depend on Worldwide Free Trade, Investment

With trade being a top tier national issue, the California Chamber of Commerce continues to communicate its international trade priorities to secure a national...

CalChamber Luncheon Focuses on Understanding Brexit

Brexit is the latest phenomenon in the western world presently characterized by shock and schism, a leading scholar explained yesterday at the California Chamber...

Multitude of Irish-U.S./California Trade, Investment Ties in Spotlight

The strong trade and investment links between Ireland and the United States, as well as California, were celebrated last week at a California Chamber...

Study: EU Single Largest Foreign Investor in U.S.

The European Union, currently a 28-nation bloc, is the single largest foreign investor in the United States, with $2.37 trillion in foreign direct investment,...

Administration Announces Intent to Open Trade Talks with EU, UK, Japan

This week, the U.S. Trade Representative notified Congress of the Trump administration’s intent to enter into trade negotiations with three markets: the European Union,...

Consul General: United Kingdom Aims to Be Champion of Global Free Trade

Leaving the European Union is not about the United Kingdom cutting itself off from the rest of the world, British Consul General Andrew Whittaker...

‘Europe Matters’ German Marshall Fund President Emphasizes

Europe’s importance to both the United States and California was the focus of a recent California Chamber of Commerce international breakfast. Featured speaker Dr. Karen...

Negotiators Meet This Week to Discuss Transatlantic Partnership Agreement

A 12th round of European Union-United States trade talks will take place in Brussels this week for a potential Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership...

CalChamber Forum Highlights Transatlantic, Trans-Pacific Relationships

U.S. relations with trading partners across the Atlantic and around the Pacific, as well as federal Trade Promotion Authority legislation were the topics of...