Ports Increasingly Bustling Again After Tentative Labor Deal
The seaports of the West Coast went from lagging to bustling over the weekend, a process that is expected to accelerate Monday in the...
Economic Shifts: Is California Unfriendly to Business?
Part IV in a series from the PPIC, California—State of Change conference
Employment laws that go beyond targeting wrongdoers help fuel negative impressions of doing...
Economic Shifts: Housing Costs and the Three ‘T’s’
Part III in a series from the PPIC, California—State of Change conference
Housing costs are one barrier to matching people with jobs, California Chamber of...
Economic Shifts: Is Higher Education Calibrated to Meet Workforce Needs?
Part II in a series from the PPIC, California—State of Change conference
Children today don’t get an education about civics, yet capitalism is dependent upon...
Economic Shifts: Is the California Dream Back?
Part I in a series from the PPIC, California—State of Change conference
California Chamber of Commerce President and CEO Allan Zaremberg discussed economic shifts during...
Report: California Employers Pay Highest Workers’ Comp Costs in Nation
The biennial study by the Oregon Department of Business and Consumer Services has confirmed that California employers pay the highest workers’ compensation costs in...
Governor Signs Two Job Creator Bills
Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. has signed two California Chamber of Commerce-supported job creator bills.
Just this morning the Governor signed AB 1839 (Gatto; D-Los...
New Law Provides Incentive to Bring Aerospace Jobs to California
An economic incentive program to attract new aerospace jobs to California is now in place with the signing of two California Chamber of Commerce-supported...
Study: California Businesses Average 19% Higher Operating Costs
California businesses on average have 19% higher operating costs per job than businesses in the rest of the country, according to a study released...
CalChamber Joins Labor Commissioner, Labor to Launch Wage Theft Education Campaign
The California Chamber of Commerce joined California Labor Commissioner Julie A. Su and the California Labor Federation yesterday in announcing the start of a...
CalChamber Issues Statement on Special Session to Strengthen Rainy Day Fund
Contact: Christine Haddon
SACRAMENTO, CA — California Chamber of Commerce President and CEO Allan Zaremberg today released the following statement on Governor Edmund G....
Bill Keeping State Competitive in Aerospace Flies Through Senate
A California Chamber of Commerce-supported bill that ensures California remains a competitive environment for an emerging multibillion-dollar industry passed the Senate Appropriations Committee with...