Gail Cecchettini Whaley

Gail Cecchettini Whaley

California Wildfires: What Employers Need to Know

More than a dozen wildfires are raging up and down California, forcing evacuations and bringing tragedy and loss. The monstrous Carr fire in Shasta County...

California Supreme Court Hits Employers in Starbucks Off-the-Clock Work Case

In recent years, employers have faced lawsuits over small, or “de minimis,” amounts of unpaid time spent either before or after the employee clocks...

Court Puts Parts of California’s New Workplace Immigration Law on “ICE”

California’s Immigrant Worker Protection Act (AB 450) provides California workers with certain protections from immigration enforcement while on the job. This law went into effect...

California Supreme Court Issues Worker Friendly Overtime Ruling

Overtime pay in California is based on the employee’s “regular rate of pay,” which is not always an employee’s normal hourly wage and must...

It Happened Again: Retaliation is the No. 1 EEOC Charge

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) recently released detailed breakdowns of the 84,524 charges of workplace discrimination that the agency received in fiscal year 2017. And once again,...

Unemployment Benefits Available for Workers Affected by Southern California Wildfires and Mudslides

Federal Disaster Unemployment Assistance (DUA) benefits are now available for workers, business owners and self-employed individuals who lost jobs or had work hours substantially reduced as...

New Law Restricts Immigration Enforcement at Worksites

As of January 1, California employers must comply with strict rules passed under the new Immigrant Worker Protection Act (AB 450), which protects workers...

Californians Can Legally Buy Weed But Employers Can Still Keep a Drug-Free Workplace

Last week, California businesses began to legally sell recreational marijuana in California. More than 400 state licenses have been issued so far, but the rollout...

New Mandatory Poster on Transgender Rights for California Workplaces

California passed a new law (SB 396) that requires all California employers to post a “Transgender Rights in the Workplace” poster starting January 1, 2018. The new...

What Employers Should Know About Emergencies and the Workplace

In light of various emergencies and disasters throughout the state, the California Chamber of Commerce is educating employers about a few things they should...

Rigid Disability Leave Policy Results in $2 Million Settlement

Inflexible disability leave policies that fail to assess the individual needs of the employee can lead to liability, as a recent $2 million settlement demonstrates. This...

$10.5 Million Settlement in Minority Hiring Case

The nationwide outdoor equipment chain Bass Pro Outdoor World (Bass Pro) will pay $10.5 million to settle a hiring discrimination and retaliation lawsuit brought by the...

California Employers: Don’t Forget About New Domestic Violence Notice

If you have 25 or more employees, you now must provide new employees with a written notice about the rights of victims of domestic violence,...

Federal Court: Current Drug Use Not Protected Under Disabilities Act

A recent federal court decision is a good reminder that applicants or employees who currently use illegal drugs or marijuana or abuse alcohol are not protected...

California Supreme Court Answers ‘One Day’s Rest in Seven’ Questions

Under California law, employees are entitled to “one day’s rest in seven.” But what, exactly, does that mean? On May 8, the California Supreme Court...

Franchisor/Franchisee Business Model Wins in Decision on Lawsuit Against McDonald’s

In a victory for the franchisor/franchisee business model, a federal court in California recently found that McDonald’s does not control the wages paid to...

Employee Walkout? Work It Out

Quite a few news reports discuss recent employee walkouts across the country in protest of federal policies, such as the recent “Day Without Immigrants”...

“100% Healed” Policies Violate Duty to Accommodate

The California Department of Fair Employment and Housing (DFEH) recently obtained a settlement that highlights a mistake that employers often make: requiring employees to be 100-percent...

Retaliation Charges Again Top Agency List of Workplace Discrimination Claims

Retaliation was once again the workplace discrimination claim filed most often, according to breakdowns for fiscal year 2016 recently released by the federal Equal Employment Opportunity...

U.S. Supreme Court to Decide If Class Action Waivers in Arbitration Agreements Are Lawful

The U.S. Supreme Court has agreed to resolve a split among the federal courts regarding whether class action waivers in arbitration agreements are lawful...