California Governor Signs Executive Order to Help Prepare Students, Workers for High-Paying Careers

California Governor Gavin Newsom yesterday signed an executive order launching a new career education effort to prepare students and adults for the workforce of tomorrow and calling for additional steps to reduce employment barriers for state jobs. The order directs the state to align and integrate the implementation of programs supported by billions of dollars in funding to prepare students and workers for high-paying careers.

Master Plan on Career Education

The order directs state leaders in education, workforce development, and economic development to work collaboratively with leaders of the state’s public education systems and employers—along with legislative partners and stakeholders representing diverse students, parents, education professionals, labor, business, and community groups—to develop a Master Plan on Career Education.

The Master Plan on Career Education will guide the state in its efforts to strengthen career pathways, prioritize hands-on learning and real-life skills, and advance universal access and affordability for all Californians through streamlined collaboration and partnership across government and the private sector.

Removes Degree Barriers for State Jobs

Recognizing that many state jobs do not require four-year college degrees for success in a position, the Governor’s executive order directs the California Human Resources Department (CalHR) to evaluate whether a college degree is needed for a particular position whenever its classification is reviewed. CalHR is currently engaged in outreach efforts to help more Californians access state employment.

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