Pundit, Pollster Frank Luntz to Speak at Fall Public Affairs Conference

Assessing the victories and setbacks of the first half of the 2015–16 California legislative session, plus forecasting the priorities for the second half, will be major topics of discussion at the California Chamber of Commerce Fall Public Affairs Conference.

The conference will take place from Tuesday, November 3 to Wednesday, November 4 at The Ritz-Carlton in Marina del Rey.

Panel Discussions

  • Did gains at the ballot box in 2014 manifest themselves in creating a legislature willing to work on and support issues pertinent to the needs of California employers?

Attendees will get the answers and be able to ask questions at the afternoon panel of legislators, titled “Big Battles and Major Victories—2015 Legislative Year in Review,” moderated by Jeanne Cain, CalChamber executive vice president, policy.

  • A discussion with legislators on “The Wizards of What’s Next—2016 Second Year Session Preview,” moderated by CalChamber President and CEO Allan Zaremberg will cover new bills and the two-year leftovers. Attendees will have ample opportunity to ask questions, and mix and mingle with legislators at the reception immediately following this panel.
  • As 2016 is an election year, the conference will feature three panel sessions with insiders from both major parties offering insights and predictions on key statewide and legislative races, as well as the upcoming ballot initiatives: “The Top Two and You—2016 California Election Forecast,” “Bags, Bonds, Taxes and Pot—2016 Initiatives Campaign Preview,” “The Reformers Agenda—Priorities for 2016.”
  • A special session, “Where’s the Breach?” will discuss data security policy challenges.

Luncheon Guest Speaker

The featured speaker at the Wednesday luncheon will be media pundit, focus group and survey guru Dr. Frank Luntz, who will lead a talk titled “Words that Matter.”

Luntz is the best-selling author of Words that Work: It’s Not What You Say, It’s What People Hear.

In addition to his work in politics and with the media, he has a client list that reads like the who’s who of the Fortune 500, advising companies such as Merrill Lynch, Coca Cola and the U.S. Navy.

He also is the author of What Americans Really Want…Really: The Truth About Our Hopes, Dreams, and Fears.