Tag: News Releases

CalChamber Advocacy

New Research Brief: California Leads the Nation in Women-Owned Businesses

While women-owned businesses are growing, reports show sustained efforts required to keep momentum A new research brief from the University of Southern California highlights California’s...
Shop Owners

Celebrate Small Business Excellence – $5,000 Grants Available!

Nominate A Business Today Recognizing California’s Best Small Businesses – Apply Today Exciting news! CalChamber is thrilled to announce the Small Business Awards, honoring four outstanding...
CalChamber Advocacy

CalChamber Celebrates Teichert as Its First 100-Year Member

The California Chamber of Commerce proudly honors Teichert, a distinguished leader in the construction and construction materials industries, as its first-ever 100-year member. This milestone...
CalChamber Advocacy

CalChamber Submits Comments on CPPA’s Proposed Privacy and Security Rules; Raises Concerns and Calls...

Today the California Chamber of Commerce submitted comments in response to the California Privacy Protection Agency’s (CPPA) request for public input on draft regulations...
CalChamber Advocacy

Kern Energy President/CEO Jennifer Haley to Chair the California Foundation for Commerce and Education...

Jennifer M. Haley, President and CEO of Kern Energy, has been elected as the 2025 chair of the California Foundation for Commerce and Education...
CalChamber Advocacy

California Business Outlook, Dinner to Feature Top Government, Industry Leaders

Registration is now open for the first CalChamber California Business Outlook and Dinner, a new event that merges the former Capitol Summit and Sacramento...
Luis Quiñonez

CFCE Names New President; Luis Quiñonez to Lead CalChamber-Affiliated Research Group

Luis A. Quiñonez has been named President of the California Foundation for Commerce and Education (CFCE), a CalChamber-affiliated non-profit research organization that helps leaders...
CalChamber Advocacy

CalChamber Issues Statement on Governor’s 2025 Budget Release

The California Chamber of Commerce today released the following statement in response to Governor Gavin Newsom's outline of funding priorities for 2025: “As we are...
CalChamber Advocacy

SoCalGas Incoming President and CEO Maryam S. Brown to Chair CalChamber Board in 2025

Maryam S. Brown, incoming CEO and president of the Southern California Gas Company (SoCalGas), has been elected as the 2025 chair of the California...
CalChamber Advocacy

CalChamber Report Critical of Privacy Agency’s Cost Assessment of New Regulations

A report released today by the California Chamber of Commerce concludes that businesses, consumers, and governments in California will suffer net economic losses, translating...
CalChamber Advocacy

California Business Leaders Issue Statement on Governor Signing AB 98

The following joint statement was issued today by the California Chamber of Commerce, the California Retailers’ Association, the California Restaurant Association and the California...
CalChamber Advocacy

CalChamber Statement on Governor’s Veto of SB 1047

California Chamber of Commerce President and CEO Jennifer Barrera today issued the following statement following Governor Gavin Newsom’s veto of SB 1047 (Wiener; D-San...
CalChamber Advocacy

CalChamber Announces Positions on November Ballot Measures

The California Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors today voted to take positions on a number of ballot measures appearing on California’s November ballot. Below...
CalChamber Advocacy

CalChamber Issues Statement on Governor Signing Retail Theft Bills

California Chamber of Commerce President and CEO Jennifer Barrera today issued the following statement following Governor Gavin Newsom's signing of a package of bills...
CalChamber Advocacy

CalChamber Releases Statement Following Governor’s Signature on PAGA Reform Bills

The California Chamber of Commerce today released the following statement after Governor Gavin Newsom signed into law two Private Attorneys General Act (PAGA) reform...
CalChamber Advocacy

CalChamber Applauds Passage of PAGA Reform Measures; Bills Head to Governor’s Desk

The California Chamber of Commerce today issued the following statement after passage of two measures—SB 92 (Umberg; D-Santa Ana) and AB 2288 (Kalra; D-San...
CalChamber Advocacy

CalChamber Tags SB 1327 (Glazer) as a Job Killer

Today, the California Chamber of Commerce added SB 1327 (Glazer; D-Contra Costa) to its 2024 Job Killer List. SB 1327 implements a discriminatory 7.25% tax on the revenue...
CalChamber Advocacy

CalChamber Adds 4 More Bills to 2024 Job Killer List

Today, the California Chamber of Commerce added the following four bills to its 2024 Job Killer List: AB 2230 (Bennett; D-Ventura) Worsens Housing Crisis....
CalChamber Advocacy

CalChamber Releases 2024 Job Killer List

The California Chamber of Commerce today released its initial 2024 job killer list which, to date, includes nine bills dealing with labor and employment,...
CalChamber Advocacy

CalChamber Sponsors Assembly AI Literacy Bill

The California Chamber of Commerce is sponsoring AB 2876 (Berman; D-Palo Alto), a bill that would allow California to take a crucial first step...