Job Killer Mandates New Leave of Absence
A more expansive version of a job killer bill vetoed last year has been reintroduced. The California Chamber of Commerce has identified SB 63...
EEOC Provides Guidance on Mental Health Conditions and Work
The federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) recently announced the publication of a resource document, “Depression, PTSD, & Other Mental Health Conditions in the...
On-Call Rest Periods Are Not Allowed, California Supreme Court Rules
In a disappointing decision for California businesses, the California Supreme Court ruled recently that on-call rest periods are not permissible. This decision will require...
Court Blocks Federal Overtime Rule
Last week, a federal court in Texas issued a nationwide preliminary injunction blocking the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) from enforcing the new federal...
California Legalizes Marijuana Use, But Employers Can Still Keep Workplaces Drug Free
On Tuesday, California joined several other states in legalizing recreational use of marijuana by adults. Proposition 64, also known as the Adult Use of...
Newspapers Statewide Oppose Proposition 61
As the General Election quickly approaches, newspapers statewide have editorialized against California Chamber of Commerce-opposed Proposition 61.
Proposition 61 prohibits the state from buying any...
Numerous California Newspapers Endorse Proposition 52
With just a week until the General Election, newspapers up and down the state have published editorials urging a “yes” vote on California Chamber...
CalChamber Participates in Equal Pay Task Force Meeting at Capitol
The California Pay Equity Task Force, created by the California Commission on the Status of Women and Girls, convened its third meeting this week...
Governor Signs Bill Directing Development of Indoor Heat Illness Standard
Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. has signed a bill directing Cal/OSHA to adopt a regulation to prevent heat illness for indoor workers.
SB 1167 (Mendoza;...
Governor Signs Bill Prohibiting Use of Juvenile Criminal History Information
Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. this week signed AB 1843 which prohibits employers from inquiring into an applicant’s juvenile convictions or using such convictions...
CalChamber Encourages Governor to Veto Duplicative Heat Illness Bill
The Legislature has sent to the Governor a California Chamber of Commerce-opposed bill that unnecessarily duplicates current requirements by directing Cal/OSHA to adopt a...
Job Killer Update: Assembly Passes Costly New Leave Mandate
Action Needed: Contact the Governor to Request a Veto
Yesterday, the Assembly passed a job killer bill that will significantly harm small businesses in California...
Assembly to Consider Duplicative Heat Illness Bill
The Assembly will consider a California Chamber of Commerce-opposed bill that unnecessarily duplicates current regulations by directing Cal/OSHA to adopt a regulation for indoor workers...
CalChamber-Opposed Criminal History Bill Stalls in Senate
A California Chamber of Commerce-opposed bill that would have limited an employer’s ability to maintain a safe work environment for employees and consumers by...
Double-Pay Holiday Bill on Senate Floor
A California Chamber of Commerce-opposed bill that unfairly targets two classifications of employers, increases their costs, and creates a competitive disadvantage by forcing them...
NLRB Expands Ability of Temp Workers to Organize
Following on the heels of last year’s expansive Browning-Ferris decision that redefined the joint-employer standard, the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) has now issued a...
28 CalChamber Member Companies Among Best Workplaces in San Francisco Bay Area
Twenty-eight California Chamber of Commerce member companies were recently selected as among the “Best Places to Work” in the Bay Area by the San...
CalChamber Opposition Helps Stop Job Killer Leave Mandate
A job killer bill that would have overwhelmed small businesses with administering a new protected leave of absence and subjected them to threats of...
Flexible Workweek Bill Set for Hearing
A California Chamber of Commerce-supported job creator bill providing employers with the flexibility to accommodate employees’ needs is scheduled to be considered by the...
Court Sides with Employer in Workers’ Comp Case
A state appeals court has ruled that a worker’s claim of a psychiatric injury did not meet the tests to qualify for workers’ compensation...