Chile Trading Partner Portal

Trading Partner Portal: Chile


Interview with AmCham Chile – Geographical Similarities, Shared Values Form Core of Chile-California Relations – CalChamber Alert
CalChamber, August 27, 2021


InvestChile, the Chilean Agency for the Promotion of Foreign Investment, opened a new office in San Francisco in October 2017, Check it out Here!

Trade Overview

usa_chile_ca_flagsChile has signed free trade agreements with all the nations of the eleven-member Transpacific Partnership, plus the United States. Chile was the first country in South America to join the OECD, becoming a member in 2010 (OECD).

U.S. – Chile Trade

Since the U.S.-Chile Free Trade Agreement was implemented on January 1, 2004, bilateral trade between Chile and the United States has nearly quadrupled and both trade and investment opportunities abound. Upon entry into force of the U.S.-Chile Free Trade Agreement (FTA) in 2004, 80 percent of U.S. consumer and industrial goods exports to Chile immediately became duty free. Tariffs on the remaining products were phased out, with 100 percent of products duty free in 2015. U.S. Department of Commerce

Two-way trade in goods between the United States and Chile was approximately $34.4 billion in 2023. According to the U.S. Department of Commerce, U.S. goods exports to Chile increased over 450 percent in the 18 years since the FTA went into effect, from $2.7 billion in 2003 to $23.3 billion in 2022, making it the U.S.’ 20th largest export destination. Top exports to Chile included petroleum and coal products ($6.1 million), non-electrical machinery ($2.5 million), chemicals ($2.1 million), transportation equipment ($1.8 billion), and computer and electronic products ($1.6 billion). Total exports from the U.S. to Chile were $18.8 billion.

Imports to the U.S. from Chile totaled $15.6 billion in 2023. Top imports from Chile to the United States include primary metal manufacturing ($5.4 billion), livestock and livestock products ($2.1 billion), agricultural products ($1.8 billion), processed foods ($1.2 billion), and fish and other marine products ($1.1 billion).

California – Chile Trade

Chile is nearly twice the size of California and home to 20 million people and renowned copper mines. In 2003, the Chilean economy began to recover after a 1999

(In USD Millions) – Source:

slump, reaching a 3.3 percent growth in real GDP. According to the most recent figures, Chile, has a GDP of $344 billion, and GDP per capita of $17,254. Since 1990, there has been more than $50 billion in direct foreign investment in Chile. Chile has the most stable and fastest growing economy in the region which puts it in the best position to promote democracy and political freedom. Chile has 26 trade agreements, of which 25 have entered into force, covering 65 different markets and 88% of the world’s GDP (ITA).

In 2023, Chile was California’s 25th largest export destination with $1.4 billion in exports. Top exports from California to Chile include petroleum & coal products ($690 million), computer and electronic products ($243 million), and non-electrical machinery ($98 million), chemicals ($81 million), processed foods ($73 million).

Imports from Chile to California totaled $1.64 billion in 2023. Top imports from Chile to California include agricultural products ($773 million), wood products ($185 million), processed foods ($175 million), petroleum and coal products ($102 million), and fish and other marine products ($99 million).

FDI – Chile

Chile was ranked number one in a ranking of the fastest growing sources of FDI in the U.S. in 2022 by Select USA. Nearly 12,000 US firms export approximately 5,000 different products to Chile. Over 2,000 Chilean firms exported as just as many different products to the U.S.

U.S. foreign direct investment (FDI) in Chile totaled $32 billion in 2021, and Chilean FDI into the US totaled $6 billion in the same year. Chilean FDI supports about 8,400 jobs in the U.S. Chilean FDI into the U.S. invested $1 million into research and development and contributed $145 million to expanding U.S. exports. The top industries that received FDI from Chile were software & IT services, food and beverages, business services, industrial equipment, transportation, and wood products (Select USA).

According to the American Chamber of Commerce in Chile, over 300 US companies have investments in Chile, with over 40 of them using Chile as a platform for services in the region. Chilean affiliates of US direct investors are estimated to employ over 58,500 people and their value-added contributed 3.2 percent to Chile’s gross domestic product.

Chile California Council Annual Report
Chile California Council, March 3, 2023

Chile-California Energy Alliance Annual Report
Chile California Council, January 2023

Chile California Council Annual Report 2021
Chile California Council, March 2022

Leftists Scored Big Victory in Chile, but Venezuela’s Maduro is Celebrating too Soon
Miami Herald, May 19, 2021

Preliminary Overview of the Economies of Latin America and the Caribbean
ECLAC, December 2019

Largest Copper Mine in the World to be Powered 100 Percent by Clean Energy (in Spanish)
El Comercio, October 8, 2019

Chile to Join China’s Belt and Road Initiative
Reuters, November 1, 2018

Photo Source: Chile-CA Council

Joint Declaration Chile – California on Climate Change
On the occasion of the opening of the 70th session of the United Nations General Assembly, the President of the Republic of Chile, Ms. Michelle Bachelet, and the Governor of California, Mr. Edmund G. Brown Jr., have highlighted the important achievements accomplished as a result of the long-standing cooperation between the Republic of Chile and the State of California.
Government of Chile, Office of Governor Brown, September 25, 2015

Photo Release: Governor Brown Meets with World Leaders in New York
Governor’s Office, September 25, 2015

Science Diplomacy: United States and Chile Partner to Tackle Global Challenges
Council of American Ambassadors, Spring 2015

Chile joins the Visa Waiver Program

On February 28, 2014, Chile became the 38th nation to join the Visa Waiver Program.

Chile is an important partner with the U.S.-Chile Free Trade Agreement implemented on January 1, 2004. According to the U.S. Travel Association, visitors from Chile to the U.S. spent more than $5,000 per trip in 2012.

DHS Announces Chile’s Designation Into the Visa Waiver Program
Department of Homeland Security, February 28, 2014

Chile-California Council

Chile-California Council


Chile-California Council Celebrates a Decade of Building Bridges Between Chile, California
CalChamber, October 26, 2021

Chile California Council Corporate Video
July 20, 2021

Chile California Council Annual Report, 2020

CalChamber Hosts Chile-CA Council Sponsored Clean Energy Conference – April 2018

Ambassador Carol Perez

On April 17 and 18 the Chile-California Council gathered for its annual event and Board Meeting at the California Chamber of Commerce. The opening session on Wednesday focused on Clean Energy and Opportunities, Challenges, Policies and Programs for a Sustainable Grid and Electrification Transport.

Chile and California Continue Building Strong Relationship, CalChamber April 19, 2018

CalChamber Attends Chile-California Council Meeting – April 2017

From left: U.S. Ambassador to Chile Carol Perez; Isabel Garreton of Isabel Garreton, Inc.; Susanne Stirling, CalChamber vice president of international affairs; and Tatiana Molina of the American Chamber of Commerce in Chile.

Aspects of the growing trade and investment relationship between Chile and the United States, as well as California, were discussion topics at the annual Chile-California Council meeting.

The agenda included presentations by the U.S. ambassador to Chile and the Chilean ambassador to the United States, plus panel discussions on emergency management and entertainment.

Growing Partnership

U.S. Ambassador to Chile Carol Perez discussed the growing trade and investment between Chile and the United States; the partnerships being created in numerous areas, including disaster assistance and environmental issues; the expansion of academic and scientific exchanges; and the security and protection of Americans in Chile.

U.S. Ambassador to Chile Carol Perez

Approximately 50,000 Americans live in Chile, and about 240,000 Americans visited Chile last year. Americans generally feel safe and secure traveling in Chile.

Ambassador Perez went on to say that the U.S.-Chile Free Trade Agreement is the cornerstone of the U.S.-Chile partnership. Jobs are not leaving the United States as a result of the agreement, she stated; in fact, the United States has a trade surplus with Chile.

The Ambassador is making a big push for involvement in the SelectUSA summit to be held in June with an emphasis on investment.

In addition to devoting half of her time to trade and investment issues, Ambassador Perez said she also is focused on supporting women microentrepreneurs and promoting English language among the Chilean population.

Less than 5% of Chileans speak English, which is the lowest figure in the hemisphere. In particular, there is an emphasis to educate at the university level, so academic works can be published in English.

Ambassador Perez concluded by saying that Chile is a model country in the hemisphere, both in developing democracy and anti-corruption efforts.

Value for Chileans

Chilean Ambassador to the U.S. Gabriel Valdés explained why Chileans value the Chile-California Council. Regardless of changes in administrations, both in the United States in 2016 and with the upcoming 2017 Chilean presidential election, the relationship is built on friendship, cooperation and stability which transcends politics or social movements, Ambassador Valdés said.

Chile still believes in the principles of the Trans-Pacific Partnership, the Ambassador commented. He pointed out that the Chilean Navy recently participated with the U.S. Navy in peace-keeping exercises.

Ambassador Valdés concluded saying that relationship between our civil societies in the areas of business, academics, the arts and culture, and science are most important.

Emergency Management

A session on emergency management collaboration between Chile and California was moderated by Tracy Katelman of ForEverGreen Forestry.

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CalChamber Attends Chile-California Council Meeting – April 2016


Ambassador Jamal Khokhar, (far left) President of the Insitute of the Americas (who spoke to the CalChamber on March 4, 2016) moderates a panel including the topic of the proposed Trans Pacific Partnership. Chile already has signed free trade agreements with all the nations of the TPP. Speakers include from left to right: Juan Gabriel Valdes, Ambassador of Chile to the US; Michael Hammer, Ambassador of the US in Chile; and, Ambassador Gabriel Rodriquez of the Chilean Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Lovell “Tu” Jarvis, Ph.D. (left) from UC Davis and Chair of the Chile- California Council presents Ambassador Gabriel Rodriquez, Director of Science and Technology with the Chilean Ministry of Foreign Affairs with a plaque recognizing his efforts to launch the Chile – California Plan in 2008 and the incorporation of the Chile – California Council in 2011.

On April 21 and 22, the Chile-California Council met in San Francisco for their annual meeting. The Council is an international non-profit organization that promotes mutually beneficial relationships and knowledge sharing between Chile and California in both the private and public sectors. See – Chile-California Council and Chile-CA Council website.

The organization works in the realm of relational public diplomacy. The Council unites advocates from both the public and private realms to support bi-lateral cooperation among individuals, groups, organizations, corporations, world class universities, and governmental agencies to promote scientific research, entrepreneurship, social innovation and public leadership. The California Chamber of Commerce has been a member since its inception.

The San Francisco annual meeting focused on a number of issues including climate change, innovation hubs and regional advantages, economic development challenges and opportunities, and the Trans Pacific Partnership.

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Trade Nearly Quadruples in 10 Years After Signing of U.S.-Chile Agreement

(June 8, 2014) Ten years after the implementation of the U.S. Chile Free Trade Agreement (FTA), bilateral trade between Chile and the United States has more than quadrupled and both trade and investment opportunities abound.

Under the FTA, which was signed January 1, 2004, 80% of U.S. consumer and industrial goods exports to Chile immediately became duty free. Tariffs on the remaining products have been nearly phased out, with 100% of products set to be duty-free by 2015.


From left to right: Lovell Jarvis, Chair, Chile-California Council, Ambassador Michael Hammer, U.S, Ambassador to Chile, Ambassador Juan Gabriel Valdés, Chilean Ambassador to the United States

Chile-California Council

California trade with Chile also has increased exponentially, a fact noted at the recent gathering of the Chile-California Council, a nonprofit organization that promotes mutually beneficial relationships and knowledge sharing between Chile and California in both the private and public sectors.

The council connects individuals, legal entities and other institutions in Chile and California, and supports and engages in activities that promote education, cultural exchange, human capital and technology development and environmental protection in Chile and California.

Susanne Stirling, California Chamber of Commerce vice president of international affairs, is a member of the Chile-California Council, and attended the council’s 4th Anniversary Celebration, May 22–23 in San Francisco.

The council was pleased to welcome two distinguished guests: Ambassador Juan Gabriel Valdés, the Chilean ambassador to the United States, and Ambassador Michael Hammer, the U.S. ambassador to Chile.

The meeting focused on the challenges Chile and California face, as well as strategic areas for long-term collaboration.

Moderating the discussion by the ambassadors was council Chair Lovell Jarvis, a professor at the University of California, Davis, and director of the Richard Blum Center for Developing Economies at UC Davis.

Chile-California Council Builds Bridges Between Leading Tech Hubs – Nearshore Americas, February 20, 2014

Chile and California renew an agreement for mutual collaborationApril 19, 2013

See the new Chile California website:

The Chile-California Council met in San Francisco on Friday, April 16, 2011 for their first working session. This is a group of 25 individuals from Chile and California representing business, government, academia, the arts, education and science. Chile and California have rich histories and much in common. They share anecdotes of fortune and poverty caused by the Gold Rush. They are natural partners due to geographical similarities, reverse agricultural seasons, and location along the Pacific Rim.

A shared history of cooperation has existed since the 1960s and 1970s within the framework of the Alliance for Progress initiated by the United States. Replacing the assistance model with partnership, both have launched the plan: Chile-California, a strategic association for the 21st Century. The three key initiatives are development of human capital, increase in trade and investment opportunities, and promotion of research and development. The most effective areas for cooperation will be: renewable energies, entrepreneurship and innovation, seismology, astronomy, information technologies, bio-technology, education, culture, agriculture, green initiatives, tourism, motion picture industry, water resource management, infrastructure, and scholarships for internships and college/ university studies.

By intensifying collaboration within these areas, institutions, organizations, universities, research centers, corporations and national individuals will strengthen the bonds of friendship as well as economic, business, technological and educational activities which will result in mutual benefit.

The all-day session was opened by Ambassador Fernando Schmidt, Chile’s undersecretary for foreign affairs, and the Chilean Ambassador to the United States, Arturo Fermandois. Agustin Huneeus of Quintessa Winery serves as Chair of the Council. Mrs. Susanne Stirling, Vice President of the CalChamber is also a member of the Council.
Chile California Newsletter – Sept/Oct 2012

In June, 2008, President Bachelet signed an MOU with Governor Schwarzenegger of California, marking the start of a program called “Chile-California Plan: A Strategic Association for the 21st Century.” The association is based on the joint commitment of Chile and California to develop business opportunities, expand research and teaching in education, and develop projects in different areas that are strategic for both territories: human capital, education in environmental issues, energy, agriculture, information and communications technologies and trade. There are three top areas that have been determined to be key areas for initial promotion and coordination: human capital, research and development, and trade and business.

It is anticipated that the Plan will generate opportunities for the development of innovative international exchange models and public-private networks in government, business and academic fields.

For further information, please contact: Trade CommissionerPROCHILE.

Signing of International Wine Trade Memorandum of Understanding Will Ease Burden on U.S. Wine Exporters, Support American Jobs

October 20, 2011 – Santiago, Chile – Members of the World Wine Trade Group (WWTG), including the United States, Chile, Argentina, New Zealand, Australia, and Georgia, joined together to sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on Certification Requirements, which will help reduce barriers to international wine trade and support exporters of wine in each participating country. This MOU will facilitate trade in wine among these countries by encouraging the elimination of burdensome requirements and certifications of wine products and ingredients.

“The MOU signed today by these six World Wine Trade Group member countries is a key example of the kind of collaboration between trading partners that is essential to increase trade and support international growth in this global economy,” said United States Trade Representative Ron Kirk. “The production and sale of wine is a valued and robust industry in the United States and this MOU will help contribute to its continued growth and viability, while supporting much needed American jobs in these challenging economic times.”

Full Press Release

Universities in Chile

DuocUC is one of the largest and most important higher education institutions in Chile, with 64.000 full time students and 9 schools with more than 72 programs. Its 14 campuses are located in the three most developed regions of Chile. These 9 Schools at DuocUC are: Engineering, Informatics and Telecommunications, Communication, Design, Health, Business Administration, Natural Resources, Construction and Tourism.

DuocUC was founded by Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile in 1968 and is currently part of the network of this recognized and prestigious University. In 2010, Duoc UC obtained 7 out of 7 years of institutional accreditation from the National Commission of Accreditation (CNA), which confirmed the soundness of its project and its relevance among the higher education institutions in Chile. Furthermore near 76% of its study programs have an average of over 5 years of accreditation and more than 50% of them for periods of 6 or 7 years a unique achievement in the Chilean higher education system. Through its 2-year and 4 year-long degrees, DuocUC offers industry-focused programs. It provides a stimulating learning environment and state-of-the-art facilities that paves the way for professional and academic success.

DuocUC Brochure

Chilean Pacific Foundation

The mission of the Chile Pacific Foundation is to support the economic, cultural and social integration of Chile into the Pacific Basin.

UC Davis opens Life Sciences Innovation Center in Chile
UC Davis, April 21, 2015

Trade Resources


Recent Events

CalChamber Hosts Chile-CA Council Sponsored Clean Energy Conference – April 2018

Ambassador Carol Perez

On April 17 and 18 the Chile-California Council gathered for its annual event and Board Meeting at the California Chamber of Commerce. The opening session on Wednesday focused on Clean Energy and Opportunities, Challenges, Policies and Programs for a Sustainable Grid and Electrification Transport.

Chile and California Continue Building Strong Relationship, CalChamber April 19, 2018




Chile – California Council’s Annual Board Meeting – May 22- 23, 2014

The Chile-California Council met for their annual board meeting to discuss ways to further connect the Chile-CA community. Susanne Stirling, the VP of International Relations attended the meeting to represent the CalChamber.



(From left to right: Lovell Jarvis, Chair, Chile-CA Council, Ambassador Michael Hammer, U.S, Ambassador to Chile, Ambassador Juan Gabriel Valdés, Chilean Ambassador to the United States

International Luncheon Forum – Chile: Open for Business

(April 12, 2012) Chilean Ambassador Felipe Bulnes gives an overview on California and U.S.-Chilean trade relations and opportunities at the California Chamber of Commerce International Luncheon Forum.

Ambassador Bulnes (left) greeting CalChamber President and CEO Allan Zaremberg.
From Left to Right: Agustin Huneeus, President, Chile-California Council, Susanne Stirling, Vice President, International Affairs, CalChamber, Ambassador Felipe Bulnes, Consul General Rolando Ortega, Consulate General of Chile, Rodrigo Ballivian, Executive Director, American Chamber of Commerce in Chile, Cristobal Barros, Executive Director, Chile – California Plan
“Tall Ship” Promotes Trade Between Chile and California(July 28, 2011) The Chilean “Tall” Training Ship Buque Escuela Esmeralda recently called on the Ports of San Diego and San Francisco to highlight trade between Chile and California.

Chilean Visitors(Left to right) Rolando Ortega, Chilean Consul General in San Francisco, Carlos Hinrichsen, International Affairs Director, Duoc University Chile, Susanne Stirling, Vice President International Affairs, CalChamber, Jorge Martinez Duran, President, Valparaiso Chile Chamber of Commerce.

Chilean Ambassadors Highlight Partnership Opportunities at CalChamber Lunch

Ambassador Arturo Fermandois (right) and Ambassador Fernando Schmidt (left) speak at a CalChamber International Luncheon Forum on April 14, 2011.

(April 15, 2011) As a global leader in multiple areas, California can provide Chile with opportunities for innovation, education and economic growth, Ambassador Fernando Schmidt, Chile’s undersecretary for foreign affairs, told guests at the California Chamber of Commerce International Luncheon yesterday. Chilean Ambassador to the United States Arturo Fermandois joined Ambassador Schmidt in expressing hopes for a successful Chile-California partnership.
Read Alert Article


Chilean President Piñera Visits Southern California, Witnesses MOU Signing – September 2010

Photo by Peter Grigsby, Office of Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger

Chilean President Sebastian Piñera, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, First Lady Maria Shriver, Chilean Ambassador to the United States, Mr. Arturo Fermandois (left) and U.S. Ambassador to Chile, Mr. Alejandro Wolff (right).

Calif. governor signs pact with Chilean presidentSan Jose Mercury, September 24, 2010

Governor Meets Chilean President Piñera, Witnesses Signing of MOUs between California and Chile Universities
Governor’s Office, September 24, 2010

Photo by Peter Grigsby, Office of Governor Arnold SchwarzeneggerGovernor Schwarzenegger and Chilean President Sebastián Piñera witnessing the signing of MOUs between California and Chile universities. From left to right: UCLA Chancellor Dr. Gene Block, UCLA Anderson School of Management Dean Judy Olian, Chile President Sebastián Piñera, Adolfo Ibanez University’s Business School Dean Alfonso Gomez and Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Chilean President Piñera, Gov. Schwarzenegger visit campus
UCLA Press Release, September 24, 2010
Flanked by the new Chilean Ambassador to the United States and the new U.S. Ambassador to Chile, Chilean President Piñera addresses the newly formed Chile-California Council, consisting of U.S. and Chilean government and business leaders. The council, developed by the Chilean Ministry of Foreign Affairs, has the aim of promoting, supporting and providing guidance to public and private Chilean initiatives to be developed in the State of California. Susanne Stirling of the CalChamber sits on this council.

Presidente Piñera tras su reunión con el gobernador Schwarzenegger: “Hemos refortalecido la alianza estratégica entre California y Chile”
President of Chile, September 24, 2010

Newly appointed U.S. Ambassador to Chile Alejandro D. Wolff with Susanne Stirling, CalChamber vice president of international affairs.

California Trade Mission to Chile – September 2009

(September 28, 2009) Preparing for the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding to promote trade and investment between California and Chile are (from left) Paul Simons, U.S. Ambassador to Chile; Susanne Stirling, CalChamber Vice President, international affairs; Richard Garcia, President of the American Chamber of Commerce in Chile; Carlos Valderrama, Senior Vice President, global initiatives, Los Angeles Area Chamber of Commerce; and Jose Goni, Chilean Ambassador to the United States.

To help encourage bilateral trade and investment, the California Chamber of Commerce participated in the California Trade Mission to Chile.The delegation traveling to Santiago, the capital of Chile, for the September 27-29 mission included government and business representatives from all over North, Central and South America attending the Americas Competitiveness Forum.

Participating in the Forum were President of Chile Michelle Bachelet Jeria, the Chilean Minister of Economy, Hugo Lavados, and U.S. Secretary of Commerce Gary Locke.

The September 2009 California trade mission followed up the June 2008 signing of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between California and Chile meant to promote collaboration in “human capital development,” education, environmental protection, energy, agriculture, information and communication technology, trade and business.

A Memorandum of Understand between the American Chamber of Commerce in Chile and the California Chamber of Commerce together with the Los Angeles Area Chamber of Commerce, was signed in Santiago, Chile, on September 28, 2009 to encourage and promote trade and investment between the chambers.

Chilean President Bachelet Visits California

Memorandum of Understanding

(June 12, 2Gov. Schwarzenegger hosted Chilean President Michelle Bachelet and renewed commitment to further strengthen cooperative ties.009) Gov. Schwarzenegger hosted Chilean President Michelle Bachelet and renewed his commitment to further strengthen cooperative ties with the Republic of Chile by participating in a Memorandum of Understanding signing ceremony.

Governor Schwarzenegger Establishes New Partnership on Trade, Environment and Agriculture with Republic of Chile– Press Release and Video from Governor’s website

Chile President Cites Natural Affinities in Trade Relationship with California

Chile President Michelle Bachelet

(June 12, 2008) Susan Corrales-Diaz (left), chair of the CalChamber Council for International Trade, thanks Chile President Michelle Bachelet Jeria as she leaves the CalChamber breakfast forum, accompanied by Chilean Minister of Foreign Affairs Alejandro Foxley (right) and CalChamber President Allan Zaremberg.

Video: Chile President Michelle Bachelet Jeria (Edited for Time)

Visit Spotlights Continuing Abundant Trade Opportunities in Chile

Mateo Budinich, president of the American Chamber of Commerce in Chile, meets with Susanne Stirling.

(October 19, 2007) Mateo Budinich, president of the American Chamber of Commerce in Chile, meets with Susanne Stirling, vice president of international affairs for the Califorrnia Chamber of Commerce,to review the impacts of the U.S.-Chile Free Trade Agreement, implemented in 2004.

Read the Full ArticleAlert, October 19, 2007

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