Tag: Injury

Workers’ Compensation Insurance Is Not Optional

The California Labor Commissioner’s Office reminds employers that they must maintain valid workers’ compensation insurance coverage for all workers, including part-time employees. Employers should also be sure...

California’s Nonfatal Worker Injuries and Illnesses Remain Stable

The Department of Industrial Relations (DIR) recently posted California’s 2017 occupational injury and illness summary data on employer-reported injuries. According to estimates provided by the...

Rate of Nonfatal Work Injuries, Illnesses in California at Lowest Level in a Decade

The Department of Industrial Relations (DIR) recently posted California’s 2016 occupational injury and illness summary data on employer-reported injuries. According to estimates provided by the...

California Work-Related Injury and Illness Rate Is Lowest in 13 Years

Cal/OSHA uses the survey data to “refine and strengthen workplace safety and health regulations.” The Department of Industrial Relations (DIR) released California’s 2014 Survey of...