Tag: Housing Affordability

Don’t Treat California as a ‘Luxury Good’

The Golden State has enjoyed as much prosperity and created as much wealth as any society on the planet. Its economic output rivals Germany and...

California Housing Shortage Triggers Cycle of Despair

Everyone in California knows, or should know, that the state has an immense shortage of housing that persists despite efforts by its politicians to...
House Property Tax, Calculator

The People’s Voice: Housing Affordability Frustrates Voters

Californians are deeply anxious about the cost of living and working in the Golden State. The seventh CalChamber poll, The People’s Voice, 2021, found...

Can Californians Afford California? -Part 2

The first half of this commentary ran yesterday. To read part one of the commentary, visit https://advocacy.calchamber.com/2020/01/27/can-californians-afford-california/. Housing California’s infamous housing crisis lies at the center...