Tag: EDD

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UI Fund Insolvency and Payroll Tax Increases – Who’s Going to Do Something About...

With the legislative frenzy complete for the year, Sacramento’s policymakers are turning their eyes towards next year’s budget and their next round of legislative...

Streamlined Work Sharing Program Offers Alternative to Layoffs

As California businesses continue to struggle to maintain their workforces during COVID-related closing and reopenings, employers should keep in mind California’s underutilized work share...

CalChamber, Coalition Warns Proposed Regulations Create New Grounds for Litigation

The California Chamber of Commerce and other employer groups are opposing proposed regulations mandating employers respond with job titles and wage information to what...

EDD Helps Employers to Honor a Hero, Hire a Vet!

The California Employment Development Department (EDD) has launched a special Honor a Hero, Hire a Vet℠ webpage featuring  employers In Their Own Words –...