Local Chamber Lookup

Local Chambers Lookup

  • The results are being filtered by the character: S


Sacramento Metro Chamber of Commerce

Robert Heidt, President/CEO
One Capitol Mall Ste. 310 Sacramento, CA 95814-3297 Phone: 916-552-6800 www.metrochamber.org/

Salinas Valley Chamber of Commerce

Jennifer Williams, Board Chair
119 E Alisal St Salinas, CA 93901-3501 Phone: 831-751-7725 http://www.salinaschamber.com

San Benito County Chamber of Commerce

Michelle Leonard, Interim President/CEO
243 6th St Ste 100 Hollister, CA 95023-3970 Phone: 831-637-5315 http://www.sanbenitocountychamber.com

San Clemente Chamber of Commerce

Susie Lantz, CEO
1231 Puerta del Sol Ste 200 San Clemente, CA 92673-6333 Phone: 949-492-1131 http://www.scchamber.com

San Diego East County Chamber of Commerce

Rick Wilson, President/CEO
201 S Magnolia Ave El Cajon, CA 92020-4525 Phone: 619-440-6161 http://www.eastcountychamber.org

San Diego Regional Chamber of Commerce

Jessica Anderson, Interim President & CEO
402 W Broadway Ste 1000 San Diego, CA 92101-3585 Phone: 619-544-1391 Fax: 619-744-7491 http://www.sdchamber.org

San Francisco Chamber of Commerce

Rodney Fong, CEO
235 Montgomery St Ste 760 San Francisco, CA 94104-2918 Phone: 415-392-4520 http://www.sfchamber.com

San Jose Chamber of Commerce

Leah,Toeniskoetter, President/CEO
101 W Santa Clara St San Jose, CA 95113-1760 Phone: 408-291-5250 http://www.thesvo.com

San Juan Capistrano Chamber of Commerce

George Peppas, CEO
32332 Camino Capistrano Ste 102 San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675-3701 Phone: 949-493-4700 Fax: 949-489-2695 http://www.sanjuanchamber.com

San Leandro Chamber of Commerce

Emily Griego, President/CEO
120 Estudillo Ave San Leandro, CA 94577-4703 Phone: 510-317-1400 http://www.sanleandrochamber.com

San Luis Obispo Chamber of Commerce

Jim Dantona, President/CEO
895 Monterey St San Luis Obispo, CA 93401-3224 Phone: 805-781-2670 http://www.slochamber.org

San Marcos Chamber

Rick Rungaitis, President/CEO
251 N City Dr Ste 128G San Marcos, CA 92078-4396 Phone: 760-744-1270 http://www.sanmarcoschamber.com

San Pedro Chamber of Commerce

Elise Swanson, President/CEO
390 W 7th St San Pedro, CA 90731-3324 Phone: 310-832-7272 http://www.sanpedrochamber.com

San Rafael Chamber

Kare Strolia, President/CEO
817 Mission Ave San Rafael, CA 94901-3208 Phone: 415-454-4163 http://www.srchamber.com

San Ramon Chamber of Commerce

Heidi Kenniston-Lee, President/CEO
6101 Bollinger Canyon Rd Ste 355 San Ramon, CA 94583 Phone: 925-242-0600 http://www.sanramon.org

Santa Ana Chamber of Commerce

David Elliott, President/CEO
1631 W Sunflower Ave Ste C35 Santa Ana, CA 92704-7460 Phone: 714-541-5353 Fax: 714-541-2238 http://www.santaanachamber.com

Santa Barbara South Coast Chamber of Commerce

Kristen Miller, President & CEO
5662 Calle Real Ste 204 Goleta, CA 93117-2317 Phone: 805-967-2500 Fax: 805-967-4615 http://www.sbscchamber.com

Santa Clarita Valley Chamber of Commerce

Ivan Volschenk, Partner
26701 Mcbean Pkwy Ste 140 Valencia, CA 91355-5650 Phone: 323-326-6404 http://www.scvchamber.com

Santa Fe Springs Chamber of Commerce

Kathie Fink, Chief Executive Officer
12016 Telegraph Rd Ste 100 Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670-6090 Phone: 562-944-1616 Fax: 562-946-3976 http://www.sfschamber.com

Santa Maria Valley Chamber of Commerce

Michael Boyer, President/CEO
614 S Broadway Santa Maria, CA 93454-5111 Phone: 805-925-2403 Fax: 805-928-7559 http://www.santamaria.com
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Local Chamber Connections

Visit the Local Chambers page to see how the CalChamber and local chambers of commerce work together as a solid force as advocates for business-friendly policies and helping California businesses comply with complex laws and regulations.

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