Local Chambers

Local Chambers

Local Chambers Lookup

Alphabetical: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W Y
By County: Select County
Certificate of Origin: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W Y
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* Lists include only local chambers of commerce that are CalChamber members.

Local Chamber Connections

Working together, the CalChamber and local chambers of commerce are a solid force as advocates for business-friendly policies and helping California businesses comply with complex laws and regulations.

To take advantage of a CalChamber partnership, contact Jennifer Johnson.


The President’s Circle Award recognizes local chambers of commerce for excellence in business advocacy and helping their members comply with California employment laws.

The Small Business Advocate of the Year honorees are nominated by their local chamber of commerce executive or chairman of the board.

The Advocacy Champion Award, new in 2023, recognizes local chambers of commerce for excellence in business advocacy.

The HR Champion Award recognizes local chambers of commerce that excel in helping their members comply with California employment laws.

Resale Program for Member Local Chambers

The Local Chambers Resale Program provides opportunities for member local chambers to generate revenue and provide resources for their members.

Local Chamber Affiliate Program

CalChamber sells low-cost, online sexual harassment prevention courses. With our affiliate program, you can help your members satisfy the new legal requirement while earning 20% of the proceeds for your local chamber.

Local Chamber Relations Department

The staff of the CalChamber Local Chamber Relations Department offers chamber executives a resource they can call to get information on a wide variety of local chamber management issues.

National & International Chambers

National and International Chambers

Recent News

Business Issues Guide

2025 Business Issue Guide

2025 CalChamber Business Issues and Legislative Guide