
CalChamber Forum Highlights Transatlantic, Trans-Pacific Relationships

U.S. relations with trading partners across the Atlantic and around the Pacific, as well as federal Trade Promotion Authority legislation were the topics of...

Trade Essential for Economic Growth, Jobs

California Exports: 229 Foreign Markets, More than 10% of U.S. Total Making sure U.S. businesses—from light manufacturers to service providers—benefit from higher growth, employment and...

CalChamber Vice President Appointed by Governor to International Trade and Investment Advisory Council

Susanne Stirling, California Chamber of Commerce vice president for international affairs has been appointed to the International Trade and Investment Advisory Council by Governor...

CalChamber Luncheon Spotlights Trade/Investment Opportunities in Mexico, California​

Trade and investment opportunities in Mexico and California were the topic of discussion yesterday at the California Chamber of Commerce International Luncheon Forum as...

CalChamber Urges Quick Passage of Bipartisan U.S. Bill Promoting Trade​​​​​

Federal legislation renewing the authority for the President and/or U.S. Trade Representative to negotiate trade agreements has been introduced. The California Chamber of Commerce...

Senate Committee Moves Bill Encouraging International Trade/Tourism​

A California Chamber of Commerce-supported bill that encourages international trade and tourism by creating an enhanced driver license unanimously passed the Senate Transportation and Housing...

Normalized Relations with Cuba Could Open Trade Opportunities for U.S., State

The potential for chan​ged relations with Cuba to open economic and trade opportunities for U.S. and California companies was the subject of a lively...

Port Slowdown Highlights Need for Passage of Trade Promotion Authority​​​​

The recent port slowdown made headlines across the country and is estimated to have cost the national economy about $2 billion a day. And, no...

CalChamber Capitol Report: California and U.S. Set New Export Record

Newly released trade statistics from the U.S. Department of Commerce revealed another record-breaking year in exports for California and the United States. “With more than...

CalChamber Urges Congress to Reauthorize Export-Import Bank to Boost Economy

The California Chamber of Commerce is urging members of the California congressional delegation to support a newly introduced bill that reauthorizes the Export-Import Bank...

Businesses Voice Concerns About Impact While Port Worker Contract Talks Drag On​​​​​​

The many businesses that depend directly on efficient goods movement through West Coast ports are anxiously awaiting the successful completion of negotiations for a...

Obama 2015 Trade Agenda Mirrors CalChamber Goals​

Testimony by the U.S. Trade Representative before congressional finance committees reveals points of agreement with California Chamber of Commerce international trade goals. “It’s clear, more...

CalChamber to Outline International Trade Priorities for California Congressional Delegation​​​

As the new Congress convenes on Tuesday, January 6, the California Chamber of Commerce will send a letter outlining its international trade priorities for...

Gathering Highlights Trade Link to U.S. Jobs

The importance of trade agreements and their impact on U.S. jobs was the focus of a recent international breakfast hosted by the California Chamber of...

Businesses Seek Renewal of Trade Program to Avert Tax Increases, Job Losses

The California Chamber of Commerce is urging Congress to renew a longstanding trade program to prevent further tax increases and job losses for U.S....

Report Highlights Japanese Businesses’ Contributions to Southern California Economy

Southern California is one of the leading global hubs for Japanese companies, according to a recent survey by the Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO)...

CalChamber Joins Export, Trade Specialists from Across Country

The California Chamber of Commerce was well represented at recent gatherings of export and international trade specialists nationwide in Washington, D.C. CalChamber Vice President of...

President of Mexico, Gov. Brown Continue Momentum of Trade Mission

On the last day of his first trip to the United States as president of Mexico, President Enrique Peña Nieto visited the state capital,...

Looking Back on Governor’s Successful Mission to Mexico

Back in the United States after the Governor’s Trade and Investment Mission to Mexico, many delegates have been reporting follow-up activities. Links and photos continue...

Governor, Mexico Foreign Minister Tout Longstanding Mexico-California Ties

Longstanding historical, cultural and commercial ties between Mexico an​d California were in the spotlight yesterday at the luncheon hosted by the California Chamber of...