
Protect Harassment Victims, Employers From Defamation Suits

Cross posted in The Ventura County Star In 2016, 554 Californians filed sexual harassment complaints with the state civil rights agency, and many other employees...

Four Ways California Can Help Get More Grads Ready for College, Career

The California economy is humming. Unemployment is at historic lows, even in many parts of the state often left behind in good times. But even...

Urge President Trump Not to Finalize Stand-Alone Steel/Aluminum Tariff

(Post has been updated to reflect the Presidential Proclamation signed March 8) The California Chamber of Commerce has deep concerns over the impact that a...

Another Holiday Season, Another Delay at the Airport. Take Air Traffic Control Away from...

The aviation industry has always played a major role in California’s economy, which leads the nation in economic output associated with air travel. Allan...

Can’t Find Work? Maybe You Need New Skills

By Eloy Ortiz Oakley and Allan Zaremberg in the East Bay Times There is a troubling chasm in the world of work today and it...

Parental Leave Mandate Hurts Small Business

By Jennifer Barrera in The San Diego Union-Tribune One of the things keeping state legislators busy in Sacramento right now is a shortsighted attempt to impose...

Global Trade Yields Economic Advances

As the new administration and 115th Congress get to work, the California Chamber of Commerce is communicating its international trade priorities and support for...

Trade Expands Economy, Opportunities

California Top Exporter: 229 Foreign Markets, 11% of U.S. Total As trade is being widely discussed on the national political scene, making sure U.S. businesses—from...
Allan Zaremberg

Shutting Down New Paths To Opportunity

AB 1727 Hurts California Consumers, Workers and Employers Cross Posted in Fox and Hounds Daily California employers lead the way in so many important technologies and...
Allan Zaremberg

California Must Address Our Uneven Recovery

Cross posted in The Sacramento Bee Gov. Jerry Brown has proposed a state budget brimming with new revenues, but carefully socking part of the surplus...

Brown Should Veto Bill That Would Blow Up Process That Works

​Cross posted in The Sacramento Bee Assembly Bill 465 attempts to provide a blanket prohibition of all mandatory employment arbitration agreements made as a condition...

SB 406: Job Killer Threatens Us With More Litigation and Costs for Small Business

(Cross posted in Fox and Hounds Daily) A workplace is most successful when an employer will want to do what it takes to keep a...

Deceptive Initiative Would Disrupt Vital Infrastructure Projects

Cross Posted in Fox and Hounds Daily At a time when California is running far behind making even the basic investments in maintaining our vital...

Trade Essential for Economic Growth, Jobs

California Exports: 229 Foreign Markets, More than 10% of U.S. Total Making sure U.S. businesses—from light manufacturers to service providers—benefit from higher growth, employment and...

Guest Commentary: Climate Change Policy Comes with Economic Risks​

(Cross posted in The Sacramento Bee) Gov. Jerry Brown spoke to the United Nations Climate Summit last month. He made a strong pitch for state...

Guest Commentary: The Supreme Court Eyes CEQA​

(Cross posted on Fox and Hounds Daily) The best prospect for reform of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) is no longer with the Legislature...

An Unhealthy Dependence on the Rich​​​​

A robust rainy day reserve, which socks away unanticipated taxes, is the best hedge against a return to the bad old days of budget...

California Roads, Highways Losing Their Financial Base​​​​​​

The primary tax source to maintain and improve our state’s transportation infrastructure has been eroding for many years. The excise tax paid on each...

Fully Funded Court System Essential to State’s Economic Success

Cross posted in The Sacramento Bee As the Legislature begins the last few weeks of deliberations on the state’s 2014-15 budget priorities, what should the...

Commentary: Exports Key to Economic Growth, Jobs​

Perennial Leader California Accounts for More than 10% of U.S. Exports U.S. Commerce Secretary Penny Pritzker has kicked off World Trade Month 2014 by reiterating...