Valerie Nera

Valerie Nera
Valerie Nera specializes in advocacy on agriculture, water, resources, crime, and banking and finance issues for the CalChamber. She joined the CalChamber staff in 1978 as a legislative assistant on agricultural issues. She also has lobbied air, environmental and privacy issues for the CalChamber. She earned a B.A. with honors from the University of California, Berkeley, and a J.D. from the McGeorge School of Law, University of the Pacific. See full bio.

California-Only Food Labels Pending; Higher Grocery Costs Likely​

Food costs are likely to increase if two California Chamber of Commerce-opposed proposals to mandate California-only labeling for certain foods become law. SB 1381 (Evans;...

Emergency Water Package Passes Legislature

A $1 billion emergency relief drought package passed the Legislature this week and was expected to be signed by the Governor. California has entered the...

CalChamber Joins Water Security Coalition

The California Chamber of Commerce is one of the initial partners in a new coalition that is working to promote the Governor’s proposed fix...