Louinda Lacey

Louinda Lacey

Swift Action Needed in Prop. 65 Case to Avert Disruption in Multiple Sectors

The California Chamber of Commerce is urging the Fifth District Court of Appeal to expedite its decision and reverse the erroneous listing of a...

Governor Signs Bill Promoting Greater Transparency in Proposition 65 Cases

Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. has signed a California Chamber of Commerce-supported bill that will promote fairness and transparency in lawsuits brought under Proposition...

Governor Signs CalChamber-Supported Bills to Ease Housing Crisis

On Friday at a bill signing ceremony in San Francisco, Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. signed three California Chamber of Commerce-supported bills to encourage local...

CalChamber-Backed Bills to Ease Housing Crisis Go to Governor

Several bills supported by the California Chamber of Commerce to encourage local governments to approve new housing projects passed the Legislature on the last...

Job Killer Update: CalChamber Identifies 26th Job Killer

The California Chamber of Commerce yesterday added a recently amended bill to its job killer list, bringing the total number of job killers to 26....

Housing Crisis at Top of Legislative Agenda

California’s housing crisis is a big focus of attention at the State Capitol as studies highlight two elements of the crisis that are inextricably...

State High Court Says Regional Entity Has Discretion in Environmental Analysis

In a narrowly drafted ruling, the California Supreme Court upheld a regional government body’s discretion regarding the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions analysis it included...

CalChamber-Supported Bill Promotes Greater Transparency in Proposition 65 Case

A California Chamber of Commerce-supported bill that promotes fairness and transparency in lawsuits brought under Proposition 65 passed the Senate Judiciary Committee this week. Specifically, AB...

CalChamber Adds Food Container Bill to Job Killer List

The California Chamber of Commerce has added to its job killer list SB 705 (Allen; D-Santa Monica), which prohibits food vendors from using take-out...

Job Killer Creates Uncertainty, Increases Potential Litigation

The Senate Appropriations Committee today will consider a California Chamber of Commerce-opposed job killer that could have a negative impact on a business’ growth,...

Job Killer Could Enact Significant Barrier to Housing and Development

The Senate Appropriations Committee today will consider a California Chamber of Commerce-opposed job killer that could create barriers to housing and economic development. SB 224...

Job Killer Bills Continue to Advance in Senate

Senate policy committees last week continued to approve California Chamber of Commerce-opposed job killer bills. The Senate Judiciary Committee passed SB 63 (Jackson; D-Santa Barbara),...

CalChamber-Supported Prop. 65 Litigation Reform Passes Policy Committee

A California Chamber of Commerce-supported bill — AB 1583 (Chau; D-Monterey Park) — improves transparency and reduces litigation costs in Proposition 65 cases against...

Assembly Policy Committee to Hear Job Killer Housing Bill

The Assembly Labor and Employment Committee today will hear a California Chamber of Commerce-opposed job killer bill that could exacerbate the already-problematic housing affordability...

Senate Policy Committee to Hear Job Killer Today

A California Chamber of Commerce-opposed job killer bill that could create substantial uncertainty for businesses and greatly increases the potential for costly litigation will...
CalChamber Advocacy

New Job Killer Bill Opens Avenues for Shakedown Lawsuits

The California Chamber of Commerce has identified a sixth job killer bill that opens new avenues for shakedown lawsuits related to environmental laws. SB 49...

Job Killer Bill Will Worsen Housing Affordability Crisis

The California Chamber of Commerce is opposing a job killer bill that will further exacerbate the already-problematic housing affordability crisis in California. If enacted, the...

California Hazardous Waste Program Needs Modernizing, Streamlining, Not Piecemeal Approach

The California Chamber of Commerce is leading a coalition seeking to develop a comprehensive solution to address Californians’ legitimate concerns about the hazardous waste...