Impact California

A dedicated outlet to allow for constituents to make their voices heard! Providing resources and educational tools to help you become more involved in California’s legislative process.

Use Your Voice. Take Action!

Sending a letter to your legislators takes mere minutes using our Action Center.

Become an Advocate: Get directly involved with CalChamber by contacting our grassroots coordinator.

Let your voice be heard by sending a letter to your elected officials today!

Stories of Hope

During these uncertain times, share with Impact California the good.

How is your business community championing together during this time?

Hot Issues This Week

Inside the Capitol is published every Friday during the legislative session (January-August), providing information on California business legislation, including the impact of bills on your business, CalChamber’s position, action items and contact names. Act on hot issues where your letter can make a difference this week.

Your Legislators Want to Hear from You

Connect with your legislators over social media. Contacting policymakers has never been easier than in this day and age. Find them on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn and more. Almost all legislators have some form of media presence.

Small Business Advocate of the Year Award. CalChamber Chair Gregory S. Bielli,, Palbinder Badesha, or Corona, President/CEO Jennifer Barrera.


Read about California Chamber of Commerce winners of the Small Business Advocate of the Year Award, which recognizes small business owners who have done an exceptional job with their local,state and national advocacy efforts on behalf of small businesses. The President’s Circle Award recognizes local chambers of commerce for excellence in business advocacy and helping their members comply with California employment laws.


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