Daily Headlines

Daily Headlines April 19, 2024

We scan major news sources* and compile selected articles to keep you up-to-date on current issues affecting California business – the economy, health care, environment, transportation and more. Receive Daily Headlines by Email

Today’s Top Stories

US Supreme Court to Hear Homeless Encampments Case on Monday
On Monday, the U.S. Supreme Court is scheduled to hear a case that could change the way local leaders address the needs of the unhoused and of the communities where they reside.

CalChamber-Hosted Luncheon Highlights Friendship, Connections with Canada
Canada’s close and longstanding partnership with the United States was the focus of a California Chamber of Commerce luncheon forum this week featuring Canada Consul General Rana Sarkar and former U.S. Ambassador to Canada Bruce Heyman.

Top California News

  • Prison Workers to Be Excluded From Indoor Heat Protections by California Regulators
    …Business groups say they still have major concerns about the cost of the regulations and the feasibility of the proposed requirements for protecting workers when the temperature rises above 82 degrees. For instance, setting up a cool-down area would be impractical for small restaurants renting a locale, said Robert Moutrie, a senior policy advocate with the California Chamber of Commerce. KQED (No subscription required)
  • Gavin Newsom Takes Tougher Stance on Cities Not Combating Homelessness
    …The new move means more assistance for local governments and the threat of consequences like civil penalties or lost money — as when Newsom withheld hundreds of millions of dollars in 2022 — if cities and counties fail to meet obligations like approving shelters and funding outreach. The administration also wants to expand the terms of state-mandated housing plans to compel cities and counties to plan for the lowest-income Californians. Politico (No subscription required)
  • A Plan to Change Your Utility Rates Is Dividing California Environmentalists. Here’s Why
    On May 9, the California Public Utilities Commission is scheduled to vote on whether to let the state’s largest power providers slap most customers with a new fixed charge. Think of it like paying for a subscription service, except instead of forking over a monthly fee to watch old Friends episodes, this one lets you enjoy the comforts of 20th century living. CalMatters (No subscription required)

Top National, International News

  • China’s Factories Drive Uneven Economic Recovery
    China’s economy picked up pace in the first quarter as Beijing’s plan to boost growth by pouring money into factories began to show results. But that approach is leading to a lopsided recovery and stoking trade tensions overseas, with Western governments and some big emerging economies crying foul over a growing wave of cheap Chinese imports that they say threaten domestic jobs and industries. The Wall Street Journal (Subscription required)

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