Tag: Labor Law Corner
Standards Board Keeps Moving on Proposed Indoor Heat Illness Standard
What is the status of Cal/OSHA’s indoor heat illness prevention standard?
The Occupational Safety and Health Standards Board will soon hear the second revision of...
Calculating Federal COVID-19 Paid Leave for Illness, Distance Learning
How much time is an employee entitled to use under federal COVID-19 law if he needs to stay home to supervise distance learning for...
How Part-Time Return to Work Affects Employee’s UI Benefits
My employee has been on furlough and collecting unemployment insurance (UI). If I bring her back to work part time, what is the maximum...
Why Temperature Checks, Doctor’s Note May Be OK for COVID-19
With the current coronavirus pandemic, I have been wondering what I can do to protect my employees in the workplace. May we take the...
COVID-19 and Form I-9 Requirements
Our offices are closed due to COVID-19 and the shelter-in-place order. We hired an employee who will be working at home remotely until we...
Reasonable Accommodations During the COVID-19 Pandemic
How have the interactive process and reasonable accommodations for disabilities changed due to COVID-19?
Key Employment Law Issues When Addressing Workplace Illnesses
Our employee has recently returned from traveling in an area where there is an illness epidemic. What can we do to address the employee’s...
Develop Policy on Referrals to Ensure Consistent Practices
Is an employer prohibited from providing a reason for separation when verifying past employment?
No—an employer can provide reasons for separation/termination, but many employers are...