Tag: Anthony Samson

Attorney General’s Prop 65 Changes Are Well Intended, But Will Likely Increase Cost of...

The state Department of Justice (DOJ) has proposed amendments that would affect settlement terms, for enforcement actions filed by private parties under Proposition 65. First, the DOJ...

Drastically Reduced Lead Standard Lacks Scientific Foundation

A preliminary state proposal to drastically reduce a 25-year-old safe harbor standard for lead in consumer products has no scientific basis and is likely...

Environmental: CalChamber Stops Worst Bills, Secures Changes to Others

The California Chamber of Commerce actively engaged in environmental legislation this year, positioning on dozens of bills related to hazardous waste permitting, Proposition 65,...

State Proposals Would Increase Litigation, Number of Warnings Under Proposition 65

Four pre-regulatory proposals that would substantially increase the amount of Proposition 65 warnings, increase frivolous “shakedown” lawsuits, and unjustifiably weaken the scientific basis for...
CalChamber Advocacy

Road Repair Bill Gets OK; Foundation Laid for Mining Act Reform; Housing Bills Pass

With the exception of the signing of a job creator bill streamlining some infrastructure development, 2015 was quiet on most California Environmental Quality Act...

Job Killer Bill Stopped on Assembly Floor

A California Chamber of Commerce-opposed job killer bill that would have shut down hazardous waste facilities and resulted in the export of waste to...

CalChamber Remains Opposed to Product Ban Bill

Despite recent amendments, the California Chamber of Commerce remains opposed to AB 888 (Bloom; D-Santa Monica) because it will have the perverse effect of...

Assembly Considering Bills to Shut Down Hazardous Waste Facilities, Disregard Environmental Protocols

Two bills opposed by the California Chamber of Commerce could shut down hazardous waste facilities and make the permitting process more burdensome. If passed into...

Governor Signs Job Creator Bill Speeding Roadway Repair/Maintenance

A California Chamber of Commerce-supported job creator bill that expedites and reduces costs for roadway repair and maintenance projects was signed by Governor Edmund...

Two CalChamber Job Creator Bills in Policy Committee Monday

​Two California Chamber of Commerce-supported job creator bills will be heard in the Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee today. AB 35 (Chiu; D-San Francisco)...

Senate Committee to Consider Job Killers Increasing Environmental Regulatory Burden; CalChamber Adds Bill to...

Three California Chamber of Commerce-opposed job killer bills that increase the burden of environmental regulations will be considered in a Senate policy committee today,...

Assembly Policy Committee to Hear Job Killers Limiting In-State Energy Development​​​​​​​​​

Two California Chamber of Commerce-opposed job killer bills that limit in-state energy development will be heard in the Assembly Natural Resources Committee today. Limits...

CalChamber-Supported Job Creator Bill Protects Businesses from Proposition 65 Lawsuits

A California Chamber of Commerce-supported job creator bill that provides needed relief to small businesses will be heard in the Assembly Environmental Safety and...

CalChamber-Supported Bill Gives Opportunity to Cure Minor Air Violations

A California Chamber of Commerce-supported bill that gives businesses the opportunity to cure minor air violations before being fined will be considered by the...

Proposed Changes to Prop. 65 Warning Rules Will Increase Costs, Litigation​​​​​

The California Chamber of Commerce and more than 170 organizations have outlined significant concerns with proposed revisions to the Proposition 65 warning regulations in...

CalChamber-Supported Bill Expedites, Reduces Cost for Roadway Repair/Maintenance

AB 323 (Olsen; R-Modesto) extends indefinitely the current California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) exemption for certain roadway repair and maintenance projects. The exemption applies...

CalChamber Backs Bill to Reduce Overwarning Under Proposition 65

The California Chamber of Commerce and large coalition of small businesses, trade associations and local chambers are supporting a bill that promotes using a...

​California Supreme Court Issues Key CEQA Decision

The California Supreme Court ruled this week that evidence that a project may have a significant effect on the environment does not, in and...

CalChamber Urges State Agency to Fight Lawsuit Attacking Prop. 65 Lead Standard

The California Chamber of Commerce and a large coalition of businesses and trade associations are urging the state Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment...

Proposed Proposition 65 Warning Rules Create New Avenues for Litigation

The state Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) has released proposed regulations to substantially revise Proposition 65 warning requirements. The California Chamber of Commerce...