Global Resources

Global Resources and Contacts


California Ports:– Search by port name or country

World Trade Centers

The World Trade Centers Association stimulates trade and investment opportunities for commercial property developers, economic development agencies, and businesses looking to connect globally and prosper locally.

World Trade Centers in California:

District Export Councils

District Export Councils are organizations of business leaders from local communities, appointed by various U.S. Secretaries of Commerce, whose knowledge of and expertise in international business provides a source of professional advice for their region’s local firms.


International Job Positions Available

California Universities/Colleges with International-Focused Programs

Association of Professional Schools of International Affairs

CIBER (Centers for International Business Education & Research)

Foreign Policy Guide: Graduate Programs for Aspiring Global Leaders

NASBITE Certified Global Business Professional (CGBP) Certification 

Federal Programs:

U.S. Department of State’s Discover Diplomacy 

International Trade Administration’s Education & Training Resources


  • Western U.S. Agriculture Trade Association (WUSATA)– an independent non-profit that utilizes our close ties with our Member States and the USDA to provide a broad bandwidth of resources. Participating companies which allows us to provide our participants access to promotional activities, market intelligence, and 50% reimbursement for international marketing expenses.

Publishers of International Publications

Travel & Tourism


Federal International Resources

California International Resources

CalChamber International Resources