The CalChamber Political Action Network seeks to find and elect candidates from both parties who believe that private sector job creation is the foundation for economic growth. Conversely, the network opposes the politicians who subscribe to the philosophy of tax, spend and regulate.
Candidate Political Action Committees (PACs)
Two CalChamber-affiliated political action committees (PACs) effectively collect and funnel employer resources to candidates and office holders.
Formed in 1995, ChamberPAC is a bipartisan political action committee that has historically supported incumbent legislators and select candidates who promote and vote for an agenda of private sector job creation. Contributions help elect pro-jobs legislators who support improving the business climate for the employer community.
JobsPAC: Independent Expenditure Candidate Committee
The CalChamber co-chairs this employer-based PAC, which meets during the election year to interview candidates and review the progress of their campaigns. JobsPAC has won bipartisan approval for its efforts to support pro-business candidates running in open legislative seats.
For more information, email us or call (916) 444-6670.
Candidate Recruitment
Although not a political action committee, the Candidate Recruitment and Development Program provides the resources necessary to build a bench of electable, pro-jobs candidates for state legislative and local office. CalChamber partners with our local chamber network, as well as state and local member businesses, to ensure the recruitment efforts are bipartisan and locally driven.
The primary component of this program is to identify potential candidates and put them on the path to elective office. The secondary component is training and developing candidates for their positions. The program has successfully recruited numerous local candidates who have won election to state legislative seats.
For more information on the Candidate Recruitment and Development Fund, email us or call (916) 444-6670.
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