Coronavirus & COVID 19 Resources

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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Coronavirus (COVID-19) questions are a continuing concern for individuals and for our economy. Need help navigating confusing HR issues? Click here to review member benefits. Visit HRCalifornia for CalChamber HR compliance resources.

Federal Resources | State Resources | Local Resources

Review Guidance

Review guidance on strategies and protocols for reopening issued by federal, state and some local entities. Local authorities may have stricter guidelines than the state.

Coronavirus News from CalChamber

From HRWatchdog

From Alert


More Coronavirus/COVID-19 News: Advocacy | HRWatchdog | Podcasts | HRCalifornia Extra | Alert

HRCalifornia Member Resources: HR Library | Forms | Q&As (open to all)

Federal Resources

President Biden to End COVID Emergency on May 11
AP News – January 31, 2023

Centers for Disease Control (CDC)

End of Federal COVID-19 Public Health EmergencyUpdated May 5, 2023
Quarantine and IsolationLast Reviewed September 13, 2023
When and How to Clean and Disinfect a FacilityLast Reviewed September 13, 2023
Stay Up to Date with COVID-19 VaccinesUpdated June 7, 2023
Videos  Updated August 11, 2022COVID Data Tracker
Communication Resources – CDC offers free resources, including videos, fact sheets, and posters. Page includes links to current communication tools and resources available for use and distribution.

State Resources

Office of Governor Newsom

Acting Governor Eleni Kounalakis Signs Legislation to Support State’s COVID-19 Preparedness

Governor Newsom to End the COVID-19 State of Emergency on February 28


covid19-caThe website provides tracking of COVID-19. It has resources for topics such as current safety measures, travel, treatments and safety in the workplace, and includes a COVID-19 hotline.

California Department of Public Health

The California Department of Public Health site assists with setting up an appointment for vaccination.

Face Covering Guidance Effective May 11, 2023
Get the Most Out of Masking: Tips & ResourcesMay 19, 2023

COVID-19 Prevention NonEmergency Standard

In December 2022, the Cal/OSHA Standards Board voted 6-1 to continue California’s COVID-19 regulation until December 2024. As part of the transition from an emergency COVID-19 regulation into a nonemergency one, Cal/OSHA has made some changes that will improve feasibility for California’s workplaces.

Cal/OSHA Extends COVID-19 Regulation for 2 Years (CalChamber)

COVID-19 Prevention NonEmergency Regulations (California Department of Industrial Relations)
COVID-19 Prevention Emergency Temporary Standards (Archived) – Fact Sheets, Model Written Program and Other Resources (California Department of Industrial Relations)

Local Resources

San Francisco Paid Sick Leave and the Coronavirus
The San Francisco Office of Labor Standards Enforcement (OLSE) issued guidance regarding use of San Francisco paid sick leave for situations involving the Coronavirus outbreak. OLSE’s webpage offers links to other guidance and resources. The COVID-Related Employment Protections Ordinance expired March 8, 2023. The Worker Protection Ordinance expired February 28, 2023.

San Francisco Office of Labor Standards Enforcement COVID-Related Employment Protections Ordinance
Understanding the COVID-Related Employment Protections Ordinance Effective March 7, 2021 until March 8, 2023

Berkeley Vaccination Order
The City of Berkeley issued its own vaccination order for various industries. Visit the city’s COVID-19 vaccines page.

County Pages
Local Health and COVID-19 Pages

Local COVID-19 Supplemental Paid Sick Leave and/or Workplace Notification Posters
(Long Beach) Main Page and Ordinance
(Los Angeles City) Main Page; Public Order Under City of Los Angeles Emergency Authority; Rules and Regulations Implementing the Public Order on Supplemental Paid Sick Leave due to COVID-19
(Los Angeles County) Los Angeles County COVID-19 Supplemental Paid Sick Leave Ordinance
(Los Angeles County) Employee Paid Leave for Expanded COVID-19 Vaccine Access: Main Page and Poster
(Oakland) Emergency Paid Sick Leave for Oakland Employees During The Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic Ordinance
(San Francisco) COVID-Related Employment Protections Ordinance Poster