State Home Page, California
The California state government website contains information from the California Governor and other state offices, and numerous links to other California-related websites.
The California Assembly’s Virtual Constituent has information about the California Assembly, members, legislative calendar, bills and codes, as well as phone numbers and addresses for Assembly member offices.
California Business Portal
One-stop website for business owners developed by the Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development (GO-Biz).
A no-fee Internet service created and maintained by the California EDD to help employers find qualified job applicants.
Employment Training Panel, California
Founded in 1983, the California ETP channels funding from an employer tax to retrain incumbent, frontline employees in companies faced with out-of-state competition.
Employment Development Department, California
The EDD administers the job service, unemployment insurance, disability insurance, Workforce Investment Act and welfare-to-work programs; also handles audits and collection of employment taxes, and maintains employment records for California workers.
Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development (GO-Biz) Created to serve as California’s single point of contact for economic development and job creation efforts, GO-Biz offers a range of services to business owners including: attraction, retention and expansion services, site selection, permit streamlining, clearing of regulatory hurdles, small business assistance, international trade development, assistance with state government, and more.
Environmental Protection Agency, California
The California Environmental Protection Agency website offers regulatory information regarding environmental quality in California.
California State Controller’s Office The Controller is the Chief Fiscal Officer of California, makes sure the State’s budget is spent properly, helps administer two of the nation’s largest public pension funds, and serves on many State boards and commissions. Reporting Unclaimed Property
Department of Finance, California
Serves as the Governor’s chief fiscal policy advisor, promotes responsible resource allocation through the state’s annual financial plan and ensures the financial integrity of the state.
Department of Food and Agriculture, California
News and other information, including food safety, nutrition, agricultural facts and county-specific statistics about the state’s multibillion-dollar agricultural industry.
Legislative Analyst’s Office
The Legislative Analyst’s Office (LAO) provides analysis and nonpartisan advice to the Legislature on fiscal and policy issues. This site includes reports by the LAO, analysis of upcoming ballot issues, the budget, a publications list, newsletter, and perspective on various issues before California lawmakers.
Legislative Information
The official site for California legislative information, maintained by the Legislative Counsel of California, contains information on bills and California law. Archive information (1993-November 2016) is available on the original legislative information website.
Network of Care
Network of Care is a comprehensive compilation of links to regional, state and federal agencies offering help and information about long-term care services for the elderly and people with disabilities.
Office of Emergency Services, California
California cabinet-level office responsible for overseeing and coordinating emergency preparedness, response, recovery and homeland security activities within the state.
California Public Utilities Commission
The California Public Utilities Commission (PUC) regulates privately owned telecommunications, electric, natural gas, water, railroad, rail transit, and passenger transportation companies, in addition to authorizing video franchises.
California Natural Resources Agency
The California Environmental Resources Evaluation System (CERES), developed by the California Natural Resources Agency, facilitates access to a variety of data describing California’s environments.
California Secretary of State
Review elections and voter information, lobbyist registrations, and business filing procedures from the Secretary of State’s Office.
Small Business Advocate, California Office of
The office mission is to amplify the voice of small businesses in dialogue with their state government to ensure their full participation in the development of state economic policies; connect them to all government resources available to assist their success; and reduce unnecessary regulatory obstacles.
South Coast Air Quality Management District
This website features information on air pollution control for the region in Southern California that includes Los Angeles and Orange counties and parts of Riverside and San Bernardino counties.
California Tax Information Center
Links to information about state and federal taxes, maintained by representatives from the state Board of Equalization, state Employment Development Department, state Franchise Tax Board, and the federal Internal Revenue Service.
California Voter Foundation
CVF, a non-profit, non-partisan organization founded in 1994, advances new technologies to improve democracy. CVF has produced the California Online Voter Guide for every election since 1994.
Federal Links
Federal Links
The federal government’s main website gathers all the information provided by federal agencies.
Library of Congress
Library of Congress center for information on federal legislation, including Congressional Record and links to other relevant federal sites.
Democratic National Committee
Home of the Democratic National Committee, has information about the Democratic Party, and related news.
U.S.Environmental Protection Agency – Region 9 (Western United States)
This website focuses on information specific to Region 9 of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, covering Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada, the Pacific Islands subject to U.S. law, and approximately 140 tribal nations.
Internal Revenue Service Small Business/Self-Employed Division
A one-stop resource for the small business community, including an online classroom for workshops and information on tax filing, opening and closing a business and retirement plans for small employers.
National Academy of Sciences
This website focuses on the scientific issues that frequently pervade policy decisions.
National Journal
Subscription-based source of information on hot political news.
Republican National Committee
Republican Main Street site contains information about the G.O.P., candidates, news, etc.
U.S. Chamber of Commerce
Updates on federal business issues and advocacy activities of this federation of businesses, trade associations, local and state chambers, and American chambers of commerce abroad.
U.S. Department of Commerce
Federal department assigned to foster, promote and develop foreign and domestic commerce.
U.S. Commercial Service
Become a worldwide exporter. Click through to the U.S. Commercial Service of the Department of Commerce — a leader in helping U.S. companies export products and services to global markets. Through its international network of trade specialists, the U.S. Commercial Service helped U.S businesses generate billions of dollars in export sales.
U.S. Department of Labor
Job information services, welfare-to-work, labor laws and regulations, statistics and news. Includes interactive site offering employment laws assistance for workers and small businesses, elaws Advisors. The elaws USERRA Advisor poses online questions to help employers and employeeswith the transition from military service to civilian employment. Also includes Call Center to guide employers to the appropriate office. Employer Assistance and Resource (EARN) is a nationwide cost-free referral and technical assistance service for employers, connecting employers who have job vacancies to employment service providers who have direct access to job-ready individuals with disabilities.
U.S. House of Representatives Home Page
The U.S. House of Representatives’ site provides public access to legislative information, information about members, committees, and organizations of the House, and links to other U.S. government information resources.
U.S. Senate Home Page
The U.S. Senate’s site provides information from and about the members of the Senate, Senate committees, Senate leadership and support offices, general background about Senate legislative procedures, Senate facilities in the Capitol Building, and history of the Senate.
Office of the U.S. Trade Representative
U.S. agency specializing in trade issues and regions of the world. The office negotiates directly with foreign governments to create trade agreements, resolve disputes and participate in global trade policy.
The White House
Visit the White House in Washington D.C., and check up on the current occupants.
California Department of Finance
Financial and economic data, details on the state budget, demographic information, fiscal information for state agencies and monthly finance bulletins.