Honduras Trading Partner Portal

Trading Partner Portal: Honduras


Trade Overview


The World Bank classifies Honduras as a lower middle-income country in Central America and geographically, Honduras is slightly larger than Tennessee. Honduras has a population of 10.5 million people, a gross domestic product (GDP) of $34 billion, and nominal GDP per capita of $3,245. Honduras’ economy relies heavily on the trade relationship it retains with the United States. Historically, Honduras’ economy has been dependent on the export markets of agricultural goods, such as bananas and coffee. However, as development furthers, the economy has expanded to an export market based on a majority of apparel and automotive products. World Bank, CIA 

(In USD Millions) – Source: trade.gov

The United States is not only one of the top export destinations for Honduran goods, but it is also one of the top sources of products for goods imported into Honduras. In 2023, the United States exported over $6.8 billion of goods into Honduras; over $4.12 billion was petroleum and coal products. Other exports into Honduras included processed food ($1.1 billion), chemical ($672 million), computer and electronic products ($564 million), and other special classification provisions ($552 million).

In the same year, the US imported $5.6 billion worth of goods from Honduras. A majority of those goods were apparel and accessories ($2.4 billion). Honduras’ other key imports were transportation equipment ($1.1 billion), agricultural products ($893 million), processed foods ($254 million), and primary metal manufactures ($163 million). US Department of Commerce

Honduras- California Trade

In 2023, California exported approximately $185 million worth of goods to Honduras. The main exports were products in processed food ($49 million), apparel and accessories ($29 million), agricultural products ($20 million), Used or secondhand merchandise ($17 million), and computer and electronic products ($14 million).

California imported $152 million worth of goods from Honduras in 2023. $88 million in agricultural products were imported from Honduras into California. Other key imports were apparel and accessories ($47 million), processed food ($9 million), reimports ($4 million), and textiles and fabrics ($2 million). US Department of Commerce

FDI- Honduras

In 2023, U.S. FDI into Honduras totaled $1.4 billion, while Honduran FDI into the U.S. totaled $-40 million, a decrease of over 70 percent from 2022. (Bureau of Economic Analysis).

More articles:

Preliminary Overview of the Economies of Latin America and the Caribbean
ECLAC, December 2019

WTO Trade Policy Review: Honduras (05/04/2016)

The World Trade Organization’s conducted a review on the practices and policies in regards to trade of Honduras based on reports from the Government of Honduras and the WTO Secretariat. (05/04/2016)

Readout of Vice President Biden’s Meeting with President Salvador Sánchez-Cerén of El Salvador, President Jimmy Morales of Guatemala, and President Juan Orlando Hernández of Honduras (05/03/2016)

Trade Agreements

Trade Agreements

Yes, Really: It’s Time to Revive Hemispheric Trade Talks
Latin Trade, August 6, 2020

CAFTA-DR (Dominican Republic- Central America Free Trade Agreement)

The United States trade deal with some of the small developing countries in Central America was signed by President George W. Bush in 2005 as an expansion of North American Free Trade Agreement for the US. Members of this free trade agreement include the United States, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, and the Dominican Republic. This trade agreement has led for this group to become the US’s 16th largest trading partner in commodities. Exports from the United States to this group of countries totaled $29 billion in 2015, while imports totaled approximately $24 billion. This trade agreement ensures that 100% of goods from the United States are not subject to tariffs in these countries, it also has a goal of phasing out all tariffs on agricultural products by 2020.



Central American Ambassadors Promote Benefits of Trade Agreement with U.S. (03/08/2005)

The California Chamber of Commerce hosted five ambassadors representing the nations included in the proposed U.S.- Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA) at an International Luncheon Forum on March 8, 2005.