Afghanistan Trading Partner Portal

Trading Partner Portal: Afghanistan


Trade Overview

afghanistan-usa-ca-flagsAfghanistan is a landlocked country with much of its land covered by the Hindu Kush mountain range which experience harsh winters and deserts in the south that experience hot summers. Afghanistan is a unitary presidential republic with a population of 40 million as of 2021. It’s GDP is $14.79 billion, down from $20.12 billion in 2020.

(In USD Millions) – Source:

Trade Statistics

The United States exported $22 million to Afghanistan in 2022, down from $236 million in 2020. Agricultural products made up $7 million of the total. This was followed by chemicals and computer and electronic products at $7 million and $3 million, respectively. The U.S. imported a total of $23 million from Afghanistan in 2022. Imports consisted of textile mills products at $8 million, processed foods at $7 million, and miscellaneous manufactured goods at $3 million. (U.S. Department of Commerce).

In 2022, California imported $5 million worth of products from Afghanistan. Top imports were processed foods and textile mills products which made up $3 million and $2 million, respectively. California exported $10 million to Afghanistan in 2022. Top exports were agricultural products which totaled $7 million, followed by processed foods, computer and electronic products, and apparel.(U.S. Department of Commerce).

U.S. foreign direct investment into Afghanistan totaled $13 million in 2021 (Bureau of Economic Analysis).

Posting First Rise Since 2014, U.S. Exports to Arab World Grow 4 PErcent to $62.64 Billion in 2019
National U.S.-Arab Chamber of Commerce, February 9, 2020

U.S. Goods Exports to Arab Countries 2018 vs. 2019
National U.S.-Arab Chamber of Commerce, February 2020

Trade Agreements

Trade Agreements


