CalChamber Council for International Trade
“Any nation which leaves all her ports open to the world on equal terms will have commodities cheaper, sell its own production dearer, and be on the whole most prosperous.” – Benjamin Franklin |
The CalChamber Council for International Trade expands California’s voice on trade. The council boosts the ability of California businesses and organizations to advocate sound international business policies by bringing together the two leading trade policy organizations in the state to form a single unified group of business leaders on international issues.
The CalChamber Council for International Trade is focused on sound policy. The council works with state and federal administrations and lawmakers to influence international business policies that support California’s global success, job creation and sustainability.
Leadership on these issues is more important than ever. With free trade as an important part of our national agenda, we are at a historic time to take action. California business and trade leadership on domestic and global issues remains a key in fostering California competitiveness.
International Commerce
International trade is vital to California’s economy. For more information, see the International Trade Business Issue page and Legislative Guide.
The CalChamber, in keeping with long-standing policy, enthusiastically supports free trade worldwide, expansion of international trade and investment, fair and equitable market access for California products abroad, and elimination of disincentives that impede the international competitiveness of California business.
On October 1, 2007, the California Council for International Trade (CCIT) merged with the California Chamber of Commerce International Trade Committee to create the CalChamber Council for International Trade.
Former Chairs of the CalChamber International Trade Committee include:
- Sima Patel, 2024 –
CEO, Ridgemont Hospitality - Jennifer Haley, 2023
President & CEO, Kern Energy - Stuart Woolf, 2020-2022
President & CEO, Woolf Farming & Processing - Mark Jansen, 2014-2019
President & CEO, Blue Diamond Growers
2020 Chair, California Chamber of Commerce - Susan Corrales-Diaz, 1999-2014
President, Systems Integrated
2017 Chair, California Chamber of Commerce - Walt Payne
President, Blue Diamond Growers
2001 Chairman, California Chamber of Commerce - Roger Baccigaluppi
President, Blue Diamond Growers
1995 Chairman, California Chamber of Commerce - Peter F. Scott
President and CEO, DiGiorgio Corporation
1989 Chairman, California Chamber of Commerce - Tom Paton
President, Blue Shield
1985 Chairman, California Chamber of Commerce
The CalChamber recognizes that throughout its long history, CCIT has been a dedicated statewide coalition of California’s leading voices supporting free and open international trade policy. For more than a half of century, the CCIT has been the only statewide organization solely dedicated to advocating sound U.S. trade policy to open foreign markets for the benefit of West Coast producers of goods and services that need those markets to fuel jobs and economic growth.
Newly Merged Council for International Trade Meets for First Time

(December 7, 2007) At the first meeting of the newly merged California Chamber of Commerce Council for International Trade are (from left:)
- Jack McDougle, U.S. Department of Commerce (who reported on U.S. competitiveness and pending free trade agreements);
- Garrett Ashley, California Business, Transportation and Housing Agency (who summarized a pending study on the role of the state in international trade);
- Council Chair Susan Corrales-Diaz of Systems Integrated; and
- Jerry Levine, president of Mentor International, and chairman emeritus of the former California Council for International Trade (CCIT.)
Levine was recognized for his many years of participation in and support for the CCIT.
CIT Trade Update
The Council for International Trade Update (CITU), a weekly e-newsletter from the CalChamber Council for International Trade, is an easy-to-scan digest of the latest news and information with international headlines, trade policy, CalChamber member companies in the news, and calendar of international events.
Featured News
Strong EU-California Relations Help Strengthen Both Economies

de Graaf was among the 15 San Francisco area diplomatic representatives of California’s top trading partners who joined the CalChamber Board of Directors for dinner on Thursday, December 7. Also represented at the dinner were Canada, Japan, Taiwan, Germany, India, Singapore, the United Kingdom, France, Ireland, Italy, Switzerland, Spain, Chile and Ukraine.
Boom Time for India Promises Benefits for Relations/Trade with U.S., California
Trade and investment opportunities in India were the focus of attention at last week’s international breakfast meeting of the CalChamber Council for International Trade. Ambassador Dr. Nagendra Prasad, consul general of India in San Francisco, and Ambassador Atul Keshap, president of the U.S.-India Business Council, pointed out the many historical and economic connections between California and India.
Additional Information
- Sima Patel Bio
CEO, Ridgemont Hospitality - Jennifer Haley Bio
Chair, Council for International Trade - Stuart Woolf Bio
Former Chair, Council for International Trade - Mark Jansen Bio
Former Chair, Council for International Trade - Susan Corrales-Diaz Bio
Former Chair, Council for International Trade - Susanne Stirling Bio
Vice President, CalChamber
- CCIT History
- CCIT Events
- CCIT Past Board of Directors
- Profiles in Trade
- California Coalition for Free Trade