Ballot Measures


November 2024 Ballot

Private Attorneys General Act (PAGA) Reform Initiative

Agreement Reached to Reform Private Attorneys General Act (PAGA) to Create a Better, Fairer System for Workers and Employers – FixPAGA News Update (June 18, 2024)

The California Chamber of Commerce strongly supports the California Fair Pay and Employer Accountability Act, an initiative that has qualified for the statewide ballot.

“This initiative eliminates an abusive method for trial attorneys to file frivolous claims, and provides a pathway for employees to pursue claims for wages and penalties, where the employee keeps 100% of the recovery” said CalChamber President and CEO Jennifer Barrera. “We are excited to take this measure directly to the voters who will vote to empower the Labor Commissioner instead of continuing to line the pockets of some unscrupulous trial attorneys. We are positive that when voters learn more about how these bad actors have taken advantage of PAGA, leaving workers with less money, they will vote yes on this reform.”

Visit the Californians for Fair Pay and Accountability campaign website and contribute to support PAGA reform.

Learn more about the need for PAGA reform and join the coalition at FixPAGA.

See the CalChamber Business Issues Guide article on PAGA.

Eligible for November 2024 Ballot

Initiative to Push Rent Control Statewide: Oppose

Expands Local Governments’ Authority to Enact Rent Control on Residential Property. Initiative Statute. (22-0008)
Repeals Costa Hawkins Rental Housing Act of 1995 and prohibits the state from limiting the ability of cities and counties to maintain, enact, or expand residential rent control ordinances.

Increases Personal Income Tax to Fund Pandemic Detection/Prevention: Oppose

Provides Funding for Pandemic Detection and Prevention by Increasing Tax on Personal Income over $5 Million. Initiative Constitutional Amendment and Statute. (21-0022A1)

Taxpayer Protection and Government Accountability Act: Support

Limits voters’ ability to pass voter-proposed local special taxes by raising vote requirement to two-thirds. (21-0042)

Initiative Coalitions

When the legislative process fails, pro-business and anti-business forces turn to the initiative process to take proposals directly to California voters. The California Chamber of Commerce has led the charge on behalf of the employer community for close to four decades.

As a practical matter, the CalChamber’s chief executive is recruited to chair major initiative campaigns, to lead the fundraising and to serve as spokesperson for these important efforts.

The CalChamber has been extremely successful with the support of the broader employer community. CalChamber has backed initiatives to enact tax relief and tort reform, and make politicians more accountable to voters. We have successfully challenged split roll property tax proposals and defeated security litigation.

We will continue to lead efforts to fight anti-business proposals, including those that threaten to increase taxes, health care expenses and frivolous lawsuits.


CalBusPacThe California Business Political Action Committee (CalBusPAC) was established in 1976 to qualify, support and/or oppose statewide ballot initiatives. Contributions to CalBusPAC will aid California employers in preparing for future ballot battles.

March 2024 Ballot

Proposition 1: Support

Authorizes $6.38 Billion in Bonds to Build Mental Health Treatment Facilities for Those With Mental Health and Substance Use Challenges; Provides Housing for the Homeless. Legislative Statute.

Proposition 1 does not increase taxes, but rather utilizes existing tax revenue to pay for the mental health services, substance abuse treatment, and debt repayment on the bond.
Read more about Proposition 1

November 2022 Ballot Measures

The California Chamber of Commerce took positions on the following measures that appeared on the November 2022 statewide ballot.

Proposition 29: Oppose

Requires On-Site Licensed Medical Professional at Kidney Dialysis Clinics and Establishes Other State Requirements. Initiative Statute.

Proposition 30: Oppose

Provides Funding for Programs to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions by Increasing Tax on Personal Income Over $2 Million. Initiative Statute.

November 2020 Ballot Measures

CalChamber Positions on November 2020 Ballot Measures

November 2018 Ballot Measures

CalChamber Positions on November 2018 Ballot Measures

June 2018 Ballot Measures

CalChamber Positions on June 2018 Ballot Measures

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Employee Communications

Informing your employees and stockholders about the impact of proposed state legislation, regulations and ballot measures is within your rights as a business owner. Just remember to do it the right way.